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The Bachelor's degree in Geology and Environment that will take you into the field

Explore, transform and protect. These are the main tasks awaiting you as a future geological technician! The Bachelor of Science in Geology and Environment will introduce you to the exciting world of geology, hydrogeology, geotechnics, geophysics, natural hazards and georesources.

With 9 weeks of field school, 9 months of internships and work-study programs (available in 2nd year), professional excursions starting in 1st year, training in drilling techniques in partnership with Ginger CEBTP, teaching on technical platforms (one where you'll work on water and the other on materials characterization)... this program is all about hands-on experience. A quality recognized by employers, since 100% of graduates have a job on completion of the course!

The UniLaSalle plus? Access to GeoLab, a digital laboratory where you can carry out simulations and 3D modeling, and a 4-week international exchange program in 1st year.

Discover the detailed program of the Bachelor of Science and Engineering in Geosciences and Environment

Access to the programme


Training delivered on the Beauvais campus


Bachelor's degree awarded by the CTI and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation


Apprenticeship training from year 2


Training given entirely in French


Post-Bac or parallel admission

licence géosciences
  • Strong professionalization with 9 months of practical work-study starting in year 2
  • 9-week field school from year 1
  • Professional excursions from the very first months (worksite outings, site visits to meet professionals)
  • A 2-week drilling certification course, unique in France, in partnership with Ginger CEBTP
  • Courses and projects in the FabLabs, GeoLab and research platforms to innovate and manufacture

Our events in the same universe

Applying for a Bachelor's degree in Geology and Environment

Après une Terminale technologique

Tu es en terminale STAV, STL, STI2D ou STMG ? Ton profil est tout-à-fait adapté à la poursuite d'études dans l'un des bachelors en science et ingénierie d'UniLaSalle.

Après une Terminale générale

Choisis le parcours dans lequel tu te sens le plus capable de réussir. Et pour te donner toutes les chances de réussir, nous te conseillons les deux combinaisons suivantes :

  • Spécialité scientifique + une seconde spécialité au choix (scientifique ou non)
  • Deux spécialités non scientifiques + maths complémentaires

En savoir plus sur les modalités

Admission en 2e année

Après une Licence 1 ou un Bac+1 validé

Admission en 3e année

Après :

  • une Licence 2
  • un BUT
  • un BTSA
  • un BTS

Détail et modalités

Pour les candidats ayant un diplôme international, les candidatures se font via Campus France ou directement sur le site internet d'UniLaSalle.

Consulter les modalités d'admission

candidature parcoursup


Any questions? Contact us!
Admissions - Beauvais campus
+33 (0)3 44 06 76 02 / +33 (0)3 44 06 93 46
Admissions - international candidates
+33 (0)2 32 82 91 29