Samedi 07 janvier 2023

UniLaSalle's graduation is the major event of the year. With the involvement of a large number of students in the organization, the entire engineering school was thrilled with the young graduates and their families.

This year, the 400 graduates mark has been passed! In detail, 210 students graduated as engineers in agronomy and agro-industries (including 12 double degrees), 143 in agri-food and health, 86 in geosciences and the environment, 16 professional senior technicians in geology, and 11 in masters degrees in "Plant breeding, plant improvement and variety creation".


Class sponsors alongside the young graduates

In class or in distance learning, the young graduates were able to count on the support of Christophe Brasset (UniLaSalle alumni), General Manager of Limagrain, Marine Domet (UniLaSalle alumni), Project Coordinator, Danone Ecosystem Fund, Agnès Cousin (UniLaSalle alumni), astronomer, Institute for Research in Astrophysics and Planetology - IRAP, and Danielle Dagault, external contributor in geotechnics.


A well-established organization with 400 volunteers!

With the involvement of the general student association, UniLaSalle has been organizing an event that meets the expectations of young graduates and their families for several years. Indeed, more than 400 student volunteers worked in the checkrooms, table service and logistics, for the daytime ceremonies, during the dinner and the evening.