By allocating your apprenticeship tax balance to UniLaSalle, you are supporting a new generation of great schools!

"Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world" - Nelson Mandela

Apprenticeship tax 2023

In 2023, the procedures for declaring and paying the balance of the apprenticeship tax are changing! Schools can no longer collect the balance of the apprenticeship tax directly.

After September 7, 2023, the balance of your apprenticeship tax will be pooled by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations and unilaterally allocated according to an algorithm to a school that you have not chosen and that you may not know.

We invite you to keep your power of decision by directing your payments via the Soltea platform to UniLaSalle before September 7, 2023.

Discover below the UniLaSalle projects to which you can contribute as well as the new payment methods.

Participate in UniLaSalle's projects

"When one man dreams, it is only a dream. But if many men dream together, it is the beginning of a new reality." Friedensreich Hundertwasser

  • Train all our students in the "Climate Fresco", to understand the issues and challenges of the climate emergency.
  • Participate in or create immersive workshops such as "2Tons" or "Decarbonized Horizons" to understand the impact of our greenhouse gas emissions and our daily actions. To imagine innovative solutions to solve the climate and societal challenges that arise from it.
  • Raise awareness and train our students in responsible digital practices (launch of Cyberworld CleanUp day).
  • Implement the Sulitest Certification for all our students by 2025 to validate the acquisition of knowledge and skills in ecological and societal transformation.
  • Create a specific training course on "Strategy for sustainable organizations" including training for the B-CORP label to become B-Leaders (label of social and environmental commitment for companies).
  • Launch the "UniSeedsLab" low-tech and circular entrepreneurship workshop, a tool dedicated to innovation in eco-design, the circular economy, responsible entrepreneurship and the implementation of CSR & CSR strategies
  • To enrich the Agromachinism workshop with a GPS antenna so that the students of the Bachelor Agriculture, Digital and Embedded Technologies master the installation and maintenance of guidance systems and the use of embedded technologies allowing more environmentally friendly cultivation practices by reducing the consumption of inputs and fuel.
Taxe apprentissage 2023
  • To design 2 platforms dedicated to sustainable, health-promoting food adapted to each individual and thus be an actor in the food transition:   
    • The Healthlab, which will allow a holistic approach to human health targeting food, developing innovative solutions in the prevention and management of chronic diseases (such as cancers, inflammatory diseases, diabetes, allergies).   
    • The Foodlab, a platform dedicated to the transformation of local raw materials, which will allow students to use industrial equipment to produce, innovate and test new food products.
  • To create a digital platform with a 700 m² space that includes a video and virtual reality recording room, modeling and simulation stations, work and brainstorming spaces to revitalize our pedagogy and allow our students to develop their innovative projects in various fields related to the Earth and the Living World (limiting coastal erosion, optimize energy management, draw inspiration from nature to innovate in agribusiness, prototype agricultural tools, train industrial tools through augmented reality, develop Decision Support Tools through data modeling. ..). Respond to the major environmental challenges of today while imagining tomorrow.
Taxe d'apprentissage 2023
  • To observe and understand landscapes in different geological contexts in France and Europe through the realization of "field schools".
  • To save and enhance sites of heritage interest in danger of extinction through 3D modeling.
  • To implement inductive pedagogy tools allowing a better appropriation of knowledge and an optimal adaptation in professional situations.
  • To implement an industrial platform "Factory School 4.0", focused on innovation and technological development (Data and Connected Maintenance, Systems and Networks Security) to train professionals capable of modernizing production tools within the industry of the future and thus meet the strategic challenges of energy and digital transitions.

It is through the collective that we will meet our challenges!

Taxe d'apprentissage UniLaSalle

How to pay the balance of the apprenticeship tax to UniLaSalle?

As the entire collection of the apprenticeship tax has been transferred to the Urssaf, the procedures for declaring and paying the balance of the apprenticeship tax will change in 2023.

Schools can no longer receive the balance of the apprenticeship tax directly.

These changes are likely to have a strong impact on UniLaSalle, so we hope for your support.

You declare the balance of the apprenticeship tax on your 2022 payroll on your Déclaration Sociale Nominative (DSN).
The Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations provides you with the SOLTEA platform for channelling the balance of the apprenticeship tax to beneficiary establishments.
You can designate and authorize a third-party declarant (chartered accountant) who will make the allocation to the beneficiary institutions according to your wishes.

You choose the institution(s) (e.g. UniLaSalle) and/or the training courses (e.g. Graduate engineer from the UniLaSalle Polytechnic Institute, specialising in Environmental Engineering) that will benefit from SOLTEA, from the lists provided.

You will find UniLaSalle via its UAI codes or the SIRET numbers of its 4 campuses, and will be able to assign to one or more of the school's campuses.

You can also refine your payment by allocating your balance according to the RNCP codes of the UniLaSalle courses (see the list of UAI and RNCP codes at the bottom of the page).

This step is essential to ensure that your choices are respected and that your payment arrives at UniLaSalle.

UniLaSalle receives the balance of the apprenticeship tax (after deduction of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation's management fees).

Your proof of payment will now be sent to you by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation.

* After September 7, 2023, the balance of your apprenticeship tax will be pooled by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation and unilaterally allocated according to an algorithm to a school that you have not chosen and that you may not know.

We invite you to keep your power of decision by directing your payments via the SOLTEA platform to UniLaSalle before September 7th 2023.

** UniLaSalle will potentially receive a part of the unallocated balance of the collection (according to the results of the calculation of the algorithm of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation).

Promise of payment

You can choose to allocate your balance of the apprenticeship tax to one or more establishments, to one or more training courses (see the list of UAI and RNCP codes at the bottom of the page).

Please help us keep track of the collection by sending us your payment promise:

Responsible for the collection of the apprenticeship tax
+33 (0)3 44 06 76 05