Mercredi 10 mai 2023

For a young scientist interested in research like Paul, there are few opportunities to explain his work to the general public. This is the case of the "My thesis in 180 seconds" contest and the "Pint of Science" evening, let's discover Paul's work, biomaterials for health.

Paul Burel participates in " My thesis in 180 seconds ".

The best place to try your hand at popularizing science is on stage!

During the My thesis in 180 seconds competition, Paul, a PhD student in biomaterials at UniLaSalle Rouen, had to present his PhD thesis in only 3 minutes with only a slide. A very complicated exercise, knowing that the audience is diverse and rarely informed on the subject presented. Interested in education, Paul was able to present his thesis "Biomaterials, architected, piezoelectric, for application in health" with passion, to an audience of curious.  

Behind this title lies an ingenious use of a technology that is on the rise: 3D printing, Paul explains:

    "I 3D print materials that are going to be implanted into bones, that will regenerate the bone on the surface. The material then degrades by itself in the body."

So why did Paul choose this subject? Out of curiosity and interest in its many facets! "[It] connected biomaterials, 3D printing, which I didn't know about but was interested in, and polymers."

So what about the event itself? A regional pre-selection out of 19 candidates, of which 12 move on to stage 2. During this stage, they were able to present their presentation to a panel of researchers, which allowed them to refine their slides and prepare themselves for the next stage. The second stage is where Paul's adventure ended; more complex, it involved presenting his thesis not only to a jury, but also to a diverse audience. At the end of this Norman final, 2 lucky students were selected and sent to the national final with 14 other PhD students.

Paul Burel Recherche

Come and chat with Paul at the Pint of Science Evening

Paul's next exercise is the Pint of Science festival; the objective? To allow a researcher to present his or her research topic to a large and diverse audience. Everyone can come, even children! At this event, no need for a dictionary, the experts are there to make complex subjects understandable, to share their passion, and, who knows, to inspire the most curious.

The emphasis is on conviviality and openness of the subjects: from biomedical to neurology to international development, you are sure to find a subject that will fascinate you. Our young enthusiast has planned a very special conversation: "plastic is fantastic ... to repair the human body! ". A rhyming title that hides a surprising ingenuity on the reinvention of a material today more and more shunned by industries.

So don't hesitate any longer and come and enjoy an aperitif and chat with Paul!
Reserve your place (2€, registration required) for May 22 at the Atrium with the event. "Repairing bodies" to discuss with him and other young researchers about the health of the future. This event is organized in partnership with Science Action Normandie and the Atrium.

Pint of Science Atrium Rouen

To go even further

The concept of the Pint of Science Festival:


Registration Pint of Science - May 22-24 in Rouen

Registration is mandatory, 2€ per person!

Article written by Jules Houplon, 3rd year student in international engineering "Ag, Food & Environmental Engineering" at UniLaSalle Rouen.