Lundi 02 novembre 2020

3 weeks dedicated to sustainable development, 🔙 on the actions carried out on the Campuses

The European Sustainable Development Week, ESDW 2020, took place exceptionally from 18 September to 8 October 2020 with a highlight from 20 to 26 September for the anniversary of Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the SDOs.

This is a time dedicated to promoting sustainable development, raising awareness of its challenges and mobilizing people to take action. It is an opportunity to share concrete and useful actions for a sustainable future.

The students and employees of the UniLaSalle Campuses were able to illustrate their contribution to the 17 SDOs through various projects.

Let's look back at the activities of each UniLaSalle Campus to highlight this event and the SD approach locally. Let's have a look around the table :


The ESSD on the Rouen Campus :

Local companies, invited to discover UniLaSalle!

On September 22 and 23, UniLaSalle Rouen hosted the Sustainable Development Week. This event organized by the Rouen Normandy Metropolis allows the school to open its doors to companies wishing to discover the teaching themes and research laboratories.

Two themes were chosen to illustrate these days: "Innovation & Technology" and "Protecting plants and preserving soil biodiversity".

The participants also enjoyed a time of exchange with the Research Department and its teams on the challenges of today and the next world, and the concerns of the professionals present.


The device was installed on the Rouen Campus for the occasion. Its purpose is to show concretely the positive and negative points of this agriculture.

Read more (pdf in French)

Aquaponie Rouen

Vertical Farm

Vertical farming is a form of integrated and controlled production that allows to maximize production areas or to use limited surface and/or unlit areas. Vertical farming is part of a zero-phytogenetic production and reduction of carbon emissions. Vertical farming is part of a zero-plant production and carbon emissions reduction framework. The tool is experiencing growing interest, particularly in the U.S.A., the Netherlands, England and Iceland.

Read more (pdf in French)

Ferme verticale Rouen


The ESSD on the Beauvais Campus

UniLaSalle Beauvais wins the Hauts-de-France mobility challenge

Walking, biking, bus, carpooling or telecommuting: one week to take up the challenge of sustainable mobility all together!!!

Once again this year UniLaSalle Beauvais proved its commitment to sustainable development and sustainable mobility by winning an award in the "Use of public transport" category of the 2020 mobility challenge of the Hauts-de-France region!

Thank you to all participating employees and congratulations!

To find out more, click here.


Water Pollution Exhibition

Testimony of Marion Hecquet-Palier, Documentalist in Beauvais

"When Cécile Molina approached us for the ESSD 2020, our first thematic dossier (one of the novelties of our 2020 doc center) had just come out. We were looking for a topic on the environment, and the subject of polluted water appeared to be essential because it concerns us all. From then on, the idea of an exhibition on this subject came naturally! The panels presented are all taken from this dossier.

In parallel, we propose a selection table on water and oceans. We have also produced a bibliographical guide on SDOs".

SE développement durable Expo Beauvais


The ESSD on the Rennes Campus

Air Quality Day on September 16

Interview with Hugo Perez, Environmental Engineer now in charge of international development for the ITGA company, Institut Technique des Gaz et de l'Air.

Hugo Perez, ancien élève d'UniLaSalle Rennes
Hugo Peres (Environment, 2017) now in charge of international development for ITGA

=>Read LinkedIn article 


Focus Greta Generation

Podcasts broadcast on France Inter: Who are these committed girls and young women who are mobilizing and shaking up the established order in the four corners of the world? To listen here:

Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg, young icon for a youth sensitive to climate change


Designation of SD referents in the associations of the Rennes Campus

To ensure that sustainable development integrates all the student associations of the Rennes Campus and that each of them is aware of the impact of the actions they can implement to contribute to SDOs, a meeting was held on 25/09 to reflect together on the missions of the sustainable development referents of the associations!


Hayet Djelal Lecture, PhD-HDR: Microplastics

With the students of the high schools the Institution - La Providence de St Malo (180 students)

The issue of plastics in the environment is well established, which is not the case for microplastics or nanoplastics of anthropic origin, related to human activity or resulting from the degradation of plastics. Their impacts on public health and the environment are far from negligible.

=> The press is talking about them


Sustainable Development workshops to question and debate SDOs

During the last two weeks of the DESD, students from the associations took turns setting up workshops during the meridian break with different themes. "This lunchtime I can't, I have workshop ;-)"

Monday 28/09

Humanit'EME addressed the theme of education, gender and inequalities. The members presented 3 associations that deal with these 3 themes: Iskis, La Cimade, Kilonga.

The sale of pastries made by the student association allowed the proceeds to be paid to two of the associations after a vote by the participants.

To taste the workshop, it's here!

Wednesday 30/09

The Sport Bureau offered a workshop on the Health Benefits of Physical Activity: Health, Wellness and Demographics".

Run to see the Insta publication!

Friday 02/10

Eco-Challenge, took on the task of organizing a meeting on the theme of decarbonated energy.

A rich workshop where the "pros", "cons" and "neutral" could exchange and benefit from scientific and socio-economic sources collected by the members of Eco-Challenge.

Proof to back it up!


Monday 05/10

Univert, the school's newest association, offered a workshop on sustainable food to students and Campus employees. Ideas for interaction and collective reflection were made available: the Kahoot tool and an idea tree.

Check it out!

Wednesday 07/10

Eco-Challenge wanted to address the theme of the Sustainable Campus and make a student living space an example of space optimization. The students thought together about :

  • finding sustainable solutions for living on a Campus in a good way,
  • combining soft mobility and student life,   
  • Eat a healthy diet,   
  • benefit from convenience stores.

Ideas are well underway and are giving concrete expression to the desire to make the Ker Lann Campus a responsible campus.

Inauguration of the Beyond Curie exhibition on 28/09: 15 women scientists honored on the theme of health

Beyond Curie is an exhibition that pays tribute to women scientists.

Beyond Curie, this exhibition, which is also a design project, is a way to discover these committed women so that we can be able to name great scientists who have changed the world.

At 4pm, the sustainable development team of the Rennes Campus unveiled an exhibition of 15 portraits of women scientists. The theme chosen was research and health. Caroline Le Moulec, in charge of the SD mission, wanted to "offer young people inspiration to identify themselves and overcome stereotypes". This exhibition is largely inspired by the Beyond Curie project. It is possible that this exhibition will be shown on other campuses. In the meantime, let's share!

For Geoffroy Belhenniche, Director of the school, "the objective is to break down the representations of gender relations among our students, particularly through professions and skills. The goal is to shake up the codes in the other direction as well.
Caroline Le Moulec, in charge of sustainable development and coordinator of the exhibition, wants to "offer young people inspiring models to identify with. The interest of this exhibition is to highlight women who have overcome all stereotypes. »
Expo from 28/09 to 06/12 in the atrium of the UniLaSalle Campus in Rennes.

Expo Beyond Curie 1Expo Beyond Curie 2


The ESDS for the UniLaSalle Group

September 22nd, first SD coffee of the new school year (in visio)!

The theme of this post-lunch meeting for employees and students of the UniLaSalle group was the carbon offsetting of international mobility: solution or illusion? with Aude Distel, project manager at the ENGEES, which has set up this system for its establishment in partnership with the agricultural high schools of Alsace. She shared her experience feedback.

Café DD1