Mardi 15 décembre 2020

Among the few teachings that can still be done "face-to-face" are excursions.

While the lectures are entirely delivered at a distance, there are still some learning opportunities that can be held "face-to-face". This is the case for most of the practical work and field trips, where the small number of students and the training conditions make it possible to comply with health measures.

At the end of November, the 16 students of the 1st year of the Bachelor in Geology and Environment (TSP) were thus able to go to the construction site of a new road near Creil (Oise) and then to the site of the historic farm, located ... on the Beauvais campus. This day-long excursion allowed the students to take the measure of the main challenges they will face in their future job. In particular, they observed the interaction of the new roadway with its environment, which required the construction of related infrastructures and landscaping following the detour of a watercourse.

"It was important for us to maintain these excursions," emphasizes Jean-David Vernhes, head of the Bachelor's program and teacher-researcher in geotechnics. "These are concrete lessons and they are part of the school's DNA. This is all the more important for a practical training like the Bachelor's degree in Geology and Environment, which is designed to train professionals "in the field". It is also an opportunity to maintain human contact with the students, who are currently facing highly constrained teaching conditions, with many distance learning courses. The format was very much appreciated by students and professors alike. »

The day was co-supervised by two teacher-researchers (Michaël Goujon and Jean-David Vernhes) coming from two different fields of geology, thus bringing a double light hydrogeology-environment and geotechnics.

UniLaSalle would like to thank Philippe Van Meenen, from the Department of Infrastructures, Environment and Transport at the Oise Departmental Council (project owner), Eric Tadbir, from the Geotechnical Engineering Division of Ginger CEBTP (in charge of G3 execution geotechnical engineering) and the company, Eurovia (Vinci group), for the access authorizations and their technical support throughout the morning.