Jeudi 04 février 2021

An exceptional dynamic of mutual trust: this is how we could summarize the activity of SEAP, UniLaSalle's Listening and Psychological Support Service.

Every year, for 6 years now, the partnership between UniLaSalle and Psychoprat has allowed the Beauvais Campus to welcome 2 psychology students for an innovative and professionalizing internship. Innovative because the listening and psychological support offered to UniLaSalle students is provided by their peers, 5th year psychology students. Age is not a hindrance to the quality of the interviews; on the contrary, this generational proximity often facilitates a frank and confident opening that can more quickly open up shared and discussed avenues of analysis. Professionalizing, because these first clinical experiences, which consist in conducting face-to-face interviews, are prepared by the entire curriculum at Psychoprat and accompanied by the supervision of an experienced clinical psychologist. It is with this internship referent close to the campus that the practical implementation of the psychologist's skills is worked on and that the positioning and attitude necessary for the practice of the clinic are gradually adjusted. In addition, Psychoprat provides reinforced supervision for this type of internship, and students are accompanied by an experienced teacher.  

Charline Lemée and Margot Bayle, 5th year students at Psychoprat Paris, are thus present all year round on a part-time basis on the UniLaSalle campus in Beauvais, and in this difficult period of restrictions and frustrations, we perceive how essential and useful the activity they provide is: this health and social context reveals more quickly and sometimes radically difficulties that could be contained or mastered under "normal" circumstances. Their activity of recourse and support is therefore an indispensable complement to the accompaniment provided by the entire educational community. And it is also in order to adapt to the particular needs of this crisis that they now offer students from our other campuses in Rennes, Rouen and Amiens the opportunity to benefit from face-to-face interviews.

The construction of the legitimacy of the young psychologist is a subject often debated by psychology students, certainly more than young engineers will ever do after graduation! The Seap has the capacity to offer our psychologists in training the experiences and support that allow them to gain confidence and skills. Julie Woroniecki, a recent graduate of Psychoprat (SEAP 2019) has just opened her practice and has settled as a psychologist in Paris, just as Diane de Montalembert and Capucine Bureau (SEAP 2018) dared before her.

It is therefore an exceptional dynamic of mutual trust between young people that is unfolding thanks to UniLaSalle's SEAP.