Mercredi 17 février 2021

This year, UniLaSalle will be well represented at the 2021 finals of the Make IT Agri competition with five teams in attendance.

The Make IT Agri competition, aimed at 2nd & 3rd year students from Engineering Schools in all sectors, will welcome five LaSalliennes teams during the final phase of this event whose objective is to promote the creation of robotic, digital and IT innovations to improve practices from field to plate and accelerate transitions.

Team 1: Glan'Mapp - Laura, Léna, Annelise, Rémi, Klara & Manon

Glan'MApp is an application that connects farmers with volunteer gleaners and food aid associations. This project has a real vocation of solidarity by giving access to fresh and seasonal products to the beneficiaries of the associations, and it is strongly committed against food waste, 30% of which is at the level of agricultural production. Glan'MApp helps to supervise and organize the practice of solidarity gleaning in the Hauts-de-France region in order to protect farmers' crops but also to ensure the safety of gleaners.


Team 3: Agrimax - Florent, Julien, Victor, Jean and Alexandre

The AgriMax project proposes a tool to analyze daily the nutritional value of grass grazed by dairy cows. This solution offers the farmer a control of the feeding of his herd and allows to reduce the use of often imported feed supplements. The objective is to rely on the resources offered by the eco-systems to optimize the technical-economic results of the extensive system.



Team 4: EkoGrune - Margot, Lou, Camille, Lara and Bérengère

EkoGrune is a platform that connects waste producers with co-product processors. This platform allows faster and easier exchanges between the different actors of this sector and responds to the issue of sustainable development on the use and recovery of organic waste.


During the final, which will take place on June 17, 2021, the three teams will have to present an operational model of their innovation to the members of the jury.

Team 5: Inform'élevage (With ECAM Lyon & CPE Lyon) :

Conversational software that allows breeders to obtain reliable information on diseases affecting animals.

Team 7 - Intelligent vanilla pollination

Drone that allows to pollinate vanilla flowers. Except in Mexico, manual pollination is the only option in other regions of the world.

Good luck to all & everyone!

Make IT Agri website