Jeudi 08 avril 2021

Guest editor for the next special issue of IFAMR (International Food and Agribusiness Management Review), Loïc Sauvée, a teacher-researcher at UniLaSalle and member of the Interact research unit, is launching a call for articles on the theme of "The Farm to Work Strategy".  

Launched in 2020 as part of the Green Deal, the "Farm to work strategy" defines the regulatory and non-regulatory measures needed to create more efficient systems adapted to climate change.

In this special issue, IFAMR magazine will discuss the opportunities and challenges that the farm to work strategy offers for agribusiness and agro-industry in Europe: carbon neutral territories, biodiversity inclusiveness...

Mariantonetta Fiore, University of Foggia and Joanna Wiśniewska-Paluszak, University of Poznan, are also guest editors for this special issue.

Go to the call for papers