Find here all the information relating to your application to join a Master / Advanced program / Master of Sciences at UniLaSalle.

Admission requirements

To join the Erasmus Mundus Master programme in Plant breeding, you must meet the following requirements

  • Bachelor's degree (bac+3) in agriculture/agronomy, biology, biotechnology, biochemistry or   
  • Master 1 (bac+4) in genetics, molecular biology or related fields   
  • Language level: B2 in English (IELTS, TOEFL)   
  • If you wish to enroll at the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia in Master 2, a B1 level in Spanish is required (DELE, ALTE).

Your application must be made before the deadline.

Your application must be complete.

Admission Calendar

1st admission session from October to January

The Erasmus Mundus Master Programme in Plant Breeding (emPLANT) is open to students from around the world.

Scholarship applicants and self-funded applicants must submit their application via the same online application form, hosted on the emPLANT master website.

2nd admission session from the end of the 1st session until February 28

This session is dedicated only to students who are self-financed or financed by grants outside Erasmus Mundus. By registering in the 2nd admission session, you are not eligible for the Erasmus scholarship.


More information on the emPLANT website


UniLaSalle welcomes Master 2 students for this course, which was built in partnership with the University of Rouen and the University of Caen.

Admission requirements (Master 2 only)

  • You have validated the first year of a Master's degree in Biosciences, plant sciences, ecoproduction, biovalorisation from the University of Rouen Normandy or Caen
  • You have completed the first year of a Master's degree in a specialty of the Biosciences field at the University of Rouen Normandy or Caen   
  • You have completed the 4th year of the UniLaSalle Agronomy and Agro-Industries engineering program   
  • You have validated at least a 4th year of biology or an equivalent diploma in another French or foreign university in agronomic sciences

Admission procedures

Selection on the basis of a file.

Pre-registration on the University of Rouen website: see the page dedicated to the Master EcoBioValo on the University of Rouen website;

Once pre-registered, you have access to the application file, to be sent back to the Master's coordinators (names and addresses indicated in the file) before June 15th;

Successful candidates can register with the schooling service of the University of Rouen or Caen.

Registrations are made from April 23 to May 15, at the University of Rouen or from April 23 to June 15 at the University of Caen (Registration is made, at your choice, at one of the two institutions).

I am applying


Admission requirements

  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent   
  • English level required: TOEFL® according to the following versions:       
    • PBT® paper: 550       
    • computer CBT®: 213       
    • internet iBT® : 80       
    • or TOEIC >750       
    • or IELTS > 6.5       
    • Native language: English

Admission procedure

Selection on the basis of a portfolio and a motivation interview.

Application deadline: June 28, 2023


Admission requirements

  • French or foreign candidates who have completed an M1 or a foreign Bachelor's degree with a major in biology, ecology, life and earth sciences; agricultural engineers   
  • By way of derogation: students with a L3 diploma or equivalent whose academic background or professional experience guarantees the excellence of the course.

Admission procedures

Admission based on application and motivation interview.

Application deadline: September 11, 2023

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Admission requirements

Future students may have very different backgrounds: agronomist, landscape architect, urban planner, geographer, biologist...

The MSc Urban Agriculture and Green Cities is open to :

  • French or foreign candidates who have completed a Master 1 (or equivalent Bac+4)   
  • by way of exception, to students with a Bachelor's degree or equivalent whose academic background or professional experience guarantees the excellence of the course.

They may be recent graduates or in professional activity.

Admission procedures

Admission based on application and motivation interview.

Application deadline: September 11, 2023

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Admission requirements

The training is intended for employees, students and job seekers. The application is eligible if you meet the following criteria:

  • Engineering diploma or university diploma with 5 years of higher education   
  • Diploma from a management school conferring the grade of Master   
  • RNCP level I title   
  • Master 1 or bac +4, with a minimum of 3 years professional experience   
  • Foreign diploma equivalent to the French diplomas required above

Some candidates may be admitted on an exceptional basis.

Regarding diplomas, all disciplines are admissible, no specific pre-requisites are required. The purpose of the training is to cross cultures and profiles to enrich the exchanges between speakers and students.

The class is made up of people working in a company, local authority or design office wishing to acquire skills in the field of the circular economy in order to carry out an eco-innovative project (processes/products/services), people undergoing retraining, and young people who have just completed a five-year degree. Profiles of architects, economists, political scientists, engineers, computer scientists, etc. have already been accepted.

Admission procedures

Admission based on application and motivation interview.

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Admission requirements

To hold a diploma of Bac+5 level:

  • an engineering degree accredited by the Commission des titres d'ingénieurs (CTI)   
  • diploma from a business school (master's level) member of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles   
  • Master 2 university degree   
  • Hold a degree of Bac+4 (Master 1 university) with 3 years of professional experience in line with the training

Possibility of VAE (validation of acquired experience)

Admission procedures

Admission based on application and interview with an admission committee.

The application form is to be filled out online on the website of EM Normandie, partner of this specialized Master's program.

One recruitment committee per month between November 2022 and July 2023

Application deadline: June 2023

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