April 7, 2022 - 10th RDV of the circular economy at the service of the actors of the territories and the private sector
For its 10th edition, UniLaSalle Rennes' Circular Economy Rendezvous had as its theme "the place of reuse and bio-resources", a central theme for local authorities and companies since the promulgation of the AGEC law.
Adopted in 2020, the AGEC law aims to reduce plastic packaging, fight against waste, programmed obsolescence and promote reuse while ensuring more transparency to consumers.
A law that comes to upset the practices, to establish the circular economy. This requires a reorganization within communities and companies.
Video review of the morning held in face-to-face and remote.
To see the introduction of the morning by Geoffroy Belhenniche, Director of the UniLaSalle Rennes School of Environmental Professions
In order to enlighten us on the social mechanisms underlying this change of prism, Denis Blot, lecturer at the UPJV (University of Picardy Jules Verne), spoke about the relationship of the population to waste in the contemporary world.
To see and review the intervention of Lucie Domingo, teacher-researcher at UniLaSalle Rennes | École des métiers de l'environnement and Denis Blot, lecturer at the UPJV.
All sectors of activity are concerned by the AGEC law - Let's share good practices
This new dynamic brings to the forefront the actors of reuse, experts in anti-waste by extending the life of resources.
This day allowed a discussion in 2 parts on the economic models of reuse:
Reuse in the building sector - Round table 1
Moderator: Brittany Region with Benoît DUFRAICHE
With the interventions of Emmanuel MORIZOT from the Briand Group, Noémie COLLEU for the CRESS, Philippe CARDON from the Fédération Française du Bâtiment de Bretagne and Zoé HENRY from the Métropole de Rennes
To see and review the speakers of the round table N°1
Overview of reuse in different sectors - Round-table N°2
Moderator: the National Institute of Circular Economy (INEC) with Marline WEBER
With the interventions of Bastien VETTIER from Uzaje, Ludivine POHER from Valdelia and Anne LUCAS from Cordon Group
Feedback from ongoing experiments: what can we learn from experiments and operations in the field of packaging, furniture or electrical and electronic products?
To see and review the speakers of the round table N°2
Workshops to promote the sharing of experiences and to bring out solutions
In parallel to the preservation of non-renewable resources through reuse, the transition to the circular economy must also be accompanied by a better use of renewable resources, whether through the management of bio-waste, agricultural waste or the agri-food sector.
The afternoon of this 10th RDV of the circular economy was dedicated to collective intelligence workshops, led by some of the students of the Specialized Master in Circular Economy. The aim is to facilitate exchanges between the actors of the production and transformation chain of renewable resources and to consider pragmatic and consensual solutions for all stakeholders.

Workshop N°1 CRESS project
Theme of the workshop: what synergies to promote the creation of jobs near the deposits?
Participants: local authorities, SSE actors, other structures (private, cooperatives), students, master composter
Agenda of the workshop: introduction of the study by the CRESS, video presentation of a synergy project at the scale of a territory (Reflex in Pays de Loire), presentation of a didactic guide realized by a community (Symeed 29), brainstorming workshops and synthesis
Objectives of the workshop: develop and share good practices, brainstorm on issues related to biowaste, develop networking between actors.
The participants were able to brainstorm on the 3 following themes: advantages and disadvantages of the solutions of sorting and recovery of biowaste, synergies between actors, action tracks of the actors of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE).
"This work will allow us to feed our study and in particular our recommendations and proposals for actions for the SSE actors" explain the designers and animators of the workshop: Renan Braconnier, Antoine Chabre, Romain Chareton, Tristan Crossman, Basile Gélineau and Fabienne Hillaire of the current class of the Specialized Master Circular Economy."
Workshop N°2 INEC project
"We are working in collaboration with the National Institute of Circular Economy on the management and prevention of agricultural waste, especially on the reduction of plastic waste. For this workshop, we put around the table suppliers of the agricultural sector, A.D.I.VALOR, INEC, UniLaSalle Rennes... to exchange on the difficulties encountered and the possible solutions for a real policy of prevention of the production of agricultural waste.
These exchanges will feed the drafting of a collection of good practices on waste management in the agricultural world."
Christelle Blain, Camille Charriot, Morgane Daly, Mathis Gohier are the students of the current class of the Specialized Master in Circular Economy, creators and facilitators of the workshop.
Workshop N°3 REACT project
"We are currently working on the REACT research project on the theme of the end of life of food packaging. The workshop allowed us to populate a materiality matrix for the food packaging sector.
Representatives of the food industry, packaging, end-of-life experts, elected officials, and civil society have highlighted the economic, socio-technical and environmental issues specific to each. As a follow-up to the workshops, a questionnaire is available to all, which will help consolidate the approach."
Fanny Guyomarc'h, Jodie Le Guennic, Juliette Louis and Jean O'Mahony are the students of the current class of the Specialized Master in Circular Economy, creators and facilitators of the workshop.
This day was financed by the BLUEPRINT project - Interreg France (Channel) England project - for the transition towards a circular economy in which teacher-researchers from the Cyclann - UniLaSalle Rennes research platform are collaborating.