Mardi 18 octobre 2022

As part of the 30th anniversary of UniLaSalle Rennes | School of Environmental Professions, 30 former students explain their profession on camera.

30 graduates of the UniLaSalle Rennes engineering school talk about their daily lives.

They graduated 5, 10, 15 or 25 years ago and tell us about their professional lives, which combine their personal convictions and values.

In companies, local authorities or in their own structure, they work on the issues of soil and water decontamination, development of renewable energies, food safety, waste treatment and recovery, but also deploy and train in the circular economy model... in France and internationally.

From prevention to compensation, each in their own way, they act for a more sustainable world.

Alexis, for example, has the mission of "giving a framework to employees who have been out of work and giving them a new skill by teaching them waste management".
Sophie "assists her clients in their environmental and regulatory analyses".
Ryan works "to raise awareness among the population in order to further stimulate consciousness."


"That the younger generation does not hesitate to step up and sometimes step out."

As experts, alumni were asked to send a message to current students.
"That young people don't hesitate to follow through with their ideas because they have good ideas. We led the way 20 years ago. [...] that the younger generation does not hesitate to get involved and sometimes to impose itself", advises Sophie.

To the younger generation, strong messages are given: "you have to continue your efforts, to continue to enter these fields" (Anna).
"Take one step at a time, every action counts and everyone can do their part" adds Justine Claude.

"Young people want to have a job that has a positive impact on society. It's great!" enthuses Bertrand.


An educational and enlightening tool a few weeks before the opening of Parcoursup

Because the environment is the 2nd most important concern of the French after purchasing power* and the 18-24 year old generation considers it to be their main concern at 32%**, many young people decide to undertake higher education studies related to these issues.

The objective of this series of portraits is to offer an educational and orientation tool, a tool that makes people want to act for the planet. A great ambition!

*CSA survey for the JDD in August 2022