Creating vocations. While most engineers are destined for careers in business, some wish to pursue another path: that of research.

Our role at UniLaSalle is to participate in the emergence of these scientific vocations, in particular through :

  • hosting thesis students in UnilaSalle's research units;   
  • modules of initiation to research and reflection on research within the engineering curricula;   
  • the writing of an introductory research dissertation in the 3rd year of the Earth and Environmental Sciences engineering course;   
  • full-scale academic projects in the fourth and fifth years of the engineering curriculum, two-thirds of which focus on Research & Development issues (and one-third on operational issues).


A structuring pedagogy
for students

Training through research fosters the acquisition of skills that are essential for engineers. Dynamic and concrete, combining field work, laboratory analyses and exchanges with partner companies, it teaches student engineers to

  • develop a critical eye   
  • acquire rigor and organization   
  • master scientific methods;   
  • work on a restricted-access research platform in complete safety.


Preparing a thesis at UniLaSalle

Centred on sustainable development, the research carried out at UniLaSalle offers a wide variety of subjects for study in Earth, life, digital and environmental sciences. Each year, the various research units propose several thesis projects in line with these themes.  

By preparing a thesis at UniLaSalle, the doctoral student will carry out his or her project by relying on the recognized expertise and state-of-the-art infrastructures of the research units.

Financing a thesis at UniLaSalle

Several devices and grant systems have been set up, at both national and regional levels, to support doctoral training.

The CIFRE (industrial convention for training through research) allows the doctoral student to benefit from the full financing of his or her thesis by the company that employs him or her. The doctoral student will then share his time between his company and his host laboratory.

Learn more about CIFRE

The doctoral student also has the possibility of financing his or her thesis through public or private funds:

  • A grant from Europe   
  • A grant from a foreign country (for example, in the case of a bilateral French-foreign agreement)   
  • A grant from the Ministry   
  • A grant from the region   
  • A grant from ADEME   
  • A grant from a foundation, association or community   
  • A private co-financing   
  • A 100% private grant

Find all the funding possibilities on the website of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

Terms and conditions

To be able to carry out a thesis at UniLaSalle, the doctoral student must hold a Master 2 degree and register with the doctoral school to which his or her research unit is attached:

Beauvais campus

Rouen campus

Rennes campus

Amiens campus

Discover our thesis offers

Find our thesis offers in the Work at UniLaSalle section.


Research workshops, an internal training program for scientific staff

Reserved for an internal audience, the Research workshops run by the Research, Development and Innovation Department are intended to support teacher-researchers, post-doctoral students and UniLaSalle scientific staff in their R&D approaches.  

Some examples of workshops:

  • Writing a scientific article,     
  • Open Science,     
  • How to set up and follow up an R&D project   
  • How to position yourself in research