Lundi 15 février 2021

Michel J. F. Dubois, expert referent in Agricultural Sciences and Nicolas Brault, teacher-researcher in History and Philosophy of Science, both members of the UniLaSalle Interact research unit, have just published the first edition of the "Manuel d'épistémologie pour l'ingénieur-e", published by Matériologiques.

This work, intended for engineers and future engineers from the grandes écoles, aims to provide them with a tool that will be useful during their academic and professional careers.
Throughout its nine chapters, this manual of epistemology proposes to provide engineers or engineering students with keys: conceptual reference points, fundamental reflections on epistemology, knowledge of the history of science and technology in order to better understand their evolution.

What is epistemology? What are the stakes of this discipline? What does it mean to be an engineer in the 21st century? What is the place of engineers in today's French society? These are the main themes that are addressed throughout the 230 pages of this book.

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