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Associate professor in Agroecology and Crop Systems

Campus de Rouen Département d'enseignement : Agrobiosciences
Agronomy / agriculture

Areas of interest

  • Mycorrhizae   
  • Agroforestry   
  • Soil microbiology   
  • Statistical and bioinformatics processing of sequencing data


2014 - 2017 : PhD in Plant and Microbial Biotechnology and Plant Improvement (UCAD Dakar and University of the West Indies)

2010 - 2012 : Master in Agroforestry Ecology and Adaptation (UCAD Dakar)

On the networks:


My activities

Academic, scientific and industrial partnerships

  • Plant Biology Department, Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar   
  • Senegalese Institute of Agricultural Research (ISRA/Dakar), Joint Microbiology Laboratory   
  • Higher Institute of Professional Education (ISEP) of Matam (Senegal)   
  • Directorate of Technical Cooperation_PAISD/Senegal   
  • Ecole Cours Sainte Marie de Hann in Dakar   
  • Senegalese American Bilingual School (SABS)   
  • CIRAD Montpellier, UMR BGPI Biology and Genetics of Plant-Pest Interactions
Recent publications
and communications

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Babacar THIOYE
Associate professor in Agroecology and Crop Systems