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Buoyed by the humanist values inherited from its Lasallian founders, and aware of its responsibility as a higher education and research establishment to help find solutions to the challenges facing the planet, UniLaSalle has embarked on a major fund-raising campaign.  

For its Générations UniLaSalle campaign, UniLaSalle relies on the Fondation Jean-Baptiste Gagne, a foundation created in 1991 at its request, which respects the rules of transparency and sound management. The Jean-Baptiste Gagne Foundation is recognized as a charitable organization and is eligible for tax deductions.  

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The event
Générations UniLaSalle

Great UniLaSalle Generations evening Thursday June 06 at 7pm in Paris, at Espace Saint-Martin.

A unique event for students, to promote and support concrete projects for their future and that of the school.

The concept? 7 projects developed within UniLaSalle are pitched and followed by a fund-raising event to benefit access to UniLaSalle for all, research into water and health, the promotion of entrepreneurship and the promotion of higher education in Africa.

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Communications & Sponsorship Director