Since 2014, UniLaSalle has held the Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education.
Funded by the European Union, the Erasmus+ program participates in the development of the mobility of students, teacher-researchers and higher education staff in Europe. It helps to improve cooperation between higher education institutions.
The program is aimed at students but also at teachers and administrative staff in higher education.
In 2021 UniLaSalle obtained the renewal of the Erasmus+ Charter for the period 2021-2027: the prerequisite to participate in the calls for projects and funding under the Erasmus+ program.
By applying to the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), the institution commits to contribute to the objectives of modernization and internationalization of higher education.
It also undertakes to respect the European principles and requirements linked to the ECHE Charter for the 2021-2027 program:
- To ensure equal opportunities for mobility (non-discrimination and inclusion) for the beneficiaries
- Ensuring the recognition of prior learning from activities carried out under the Erasmus+ program
- Promote the implementation of the European Student Card Initiative.
- Encourage participants to adopt environmentally friendly practices.
- Promote civic engagement and active citizenship of Erasmus+ participants
Erasmus+ scoring scale
1 semester of ful-time study is equivalent to 30 ECTS credits.
2 semesters of full-time studies is equivalent to 60 ECTS credits.
1 ECTS credit represents between 25 and 30 hours of work for the student (courses, study, homework, exams...).
The scoring scale goes from 0 to 20 and the pass mark is set at 10.
International student's transcripts also include also the ECTS mark, indicating the relative position of a mark in a given reference group.
ECTS score and equivalence in the UniLaSalle grading system

Erasmus+ "Good Practice" label
The Languages, International and Culture (LINC) Department of UniLaSalle has been awarded the "Good Practice" label by the ERASMUS+ France agency for the Erasmus+ 2°14-2020 program and Charter.
The awarding of this label by the Institute's international team underlines the quality level of the European Erasmus+ mobility project implemented several years ago, the commitment of our teams to promote student mobility actions in Europe, and also the possibility of mobility of UniLaSalle's faculty and administrative staff for training or teaching missions.
UniLaSalle has held the Erasmus+ charter for higher education for more than 25 years. It has already been renewed several times.
During this Erasmus 2014-2020 program, almost 1300 Erasmus+ mobilities have been carried out by our outgoing and incoming students (study stays and internships) and outgoing and incoming staff (training and teaching) via Erasmus+ mobility (K103 projects), International Credit Mobility (K107 project).