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Would you like to follow a short, professionally-oriented course, rooted in practical, hands-on experience? UniLaSalle's bachelor's programs are for you!

6 bachelor's degrees to become a player in transitions

Would you like to take a short, professional training course that's rooted in practical, hands-on experience? Then our bachelor's degrees are for you!

Equivalent to a Licence 3, UniLaSalle's Bachelors cover fields at the heart of the agronomic, environmental and digital transition. Here, you'll find courses that will enable you to play an active role in these changes.

The UniLaSalle plus? All our Bachelors include at least 4 weeks of international experience.

UniLaSalle's bachelor's programs are aimed at both general and technical baccalaureate holders, and most can be completed on a sandwich course for even greater professional experience.

Strong points
points forts unilasalle
  • courses accredited by the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur (French engineering qualifications board)
  • most Bachelors are offered on a work-study basis
  • a 4-week international experience

How do I get into a UniLaSalle Bachelor's degree?

Admission based on application and motivation interview

Bachelors in Science and Engineering are accessible after :

  • a general Baccalauréat
  • STAV Baccalauréat
  • a Baccalauréat STL
  • STI2D Baccalauréat
  • Baccalauréat STMG (Bachelor in Agribusiness for sustainable development only)


Consult admission procedures

Admission by application and interview, directly via the unilasalle.fr website

Prerequisites :

Enrolled in one of the following courses:

  • 1st year of CPGE (preparatory class for the grandes écoles)
  • Licence 1 or 2
  • BTS or BTSA
  • PASS / LAS

Consult admission procedures


Applicants with an international baccalaureate diploma can apply via Campus France or directly on the UniLaSalle website.

Consult admission procedures

comment intégrer un bachelor unilasalle


Contact us
Admissions - Amiens campus
+33 (0)3 22 66 20 21
Admissions - Beauvais campus
+33 (0)3 44 06 93 46
Admissions - Rennes campus
+33 (0)2 90 02 85 22
Admissions - Rouen campus
+33 (0)2 32 82 91 47
Admissions - International candidates
+33 (0)2 32 82 91 29