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UniLaSalle, best private higher education institution of general interest (EESPIG) for ecological and societal transition according to the ChangeNOW / Les Échos 2024 ranking

The ChangeNOW / Les Échos ranking honors the schools most involved in the ecological and societal transition. In 2024, UniLaSalle is ranked 7th engineering school and even tops the EESPIG (Établissements d'enseignement supérieur privés d'intérêt général) list. An excellent score that is the result of the dynamic impetus provided by Uni4Change, the SD-SR policy championed by UniLaSalle.

UniLaSalle particularly stands out on two criteria: training and the involvement of student associations.  

UniLaSalle affiche par ailleurs l’une des meilleures progressions du classement, avec 11 places gagnées par rapport à l’an dernier. 

UniLaSalle, the engineering school that best trains students in the challenges of ecological and societal transition

Higher education establishments have a duty to produce new knowledge that will be useful for the future of the planet and humanity. They also have a duty to raise awareness among our students and to equip them with the tools they need to take action, by offering courses that fully integrate the challenges of the ecological and societal transition.

On the basis of this training criterion, UniLaSalle is proud to be ranked at the top of engineering schools, with a score of 43 out of a possible 47 points.

This first place rewards the work carried out over several years by the teaching teams to decompartmentalize our courses, increase hybridization and deconstruct silo thinking, in particular thanks to the implementation of cross-disciplinary courses within our various qualifications. 

The Lasallian student associations are the most involved in the subject

The ChangeNOW ranking also reveals that UniLaSalle students are the ones who take the most account of ecological transition issues in the context of their community life. On this criterion, UniLaSalle scores 10 out of 12 points, a score shared with the École des Mines de Nancy.

Since the start of the 2022 academic year, each of the student associations at UniLaSalle has had a sustainable development referent. These referents are offered training to enable them to better understand the challenges of ecological and societal transformation, and to help change practices to better take these challenges into account.

About the ChangeNOW ranking / Les Échos

60 establishments took part in the 2024 edition, including 28 business schools and 32 engineering schools. The evaluations cover all degrees leading to a master's degree, and are not limited to courses specializing in sustainable development. This year, in order to make the grading easier to read, the maximum score has been set at 150 points (compared with 160 last year) spread over 41 questions. 

The questionnaire is divided into six sections:

  • Education (47 pts, 6 questions),
  • Employability and academic excellence (30 pts, 6 questions),
  • Institution strategy (27 pts, 10 questions),
  • Diversity and inclusion (22 pts, 10 questions),
  • Alumni network in the impact (12 pts, 3 questions),
  • Student associations (12 pts, 4 questions).

This year's audit was internalized by ChangeNOW based on the methodology established with Deloitte in previous years. Thus 60% of the responses (by weight on the final result) were subject to in-depth verification. The reliability of the data was strengthened by the request for mandatory attachments for all questions where it is possible to provide them. In the case of a response not justified by a document, the data was not retained.