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Tuesday 18 April 2023

From April 11 to 15, the Rouen campus hosted the first edition of Green Week, an eco-responsible student week dedicated to ecology and solidarity.

This first edition was organized by UniLaSalle Rouen's student associations and clubs with the support of UniLaSalle's DD-TES (Sustainable Development - Ecological and Societal Transformation) Department.

📅 Throughout the week, the highly motivated students proposed a program in connection with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, something to please the greatest number of people!

green week programme

Favorite activities: foodie dates 🥞, 🧀, 🧑‍🍳!

From a fair trade breakfast to a zero waste dinner to a tasting of local wines and cheeses offered by the Oeno and UniCheese clubs, students and employees alike responded!

The zero waste dinner was organized by the student association Make it Green: they collected unsold goods from local businesses and cooked a free dinner for over 50 people: a real success! Make it Green is thinking of repeating the operation in different forms. To be continued...

green week diner zero dechet
Green Week - zero waste dinner

Leisure time was also a hit!

The musical lunch break offered by the LaSalle de Zik club 🎤 and the board game evening offered by the LaSalle de jeux club 🎲 brought together the entire educational community. Beautiful moments of conviviality in the UniLaSalle style!


Several collections also took place throughout the week:

Collection of used writing materials, plastic caps, sanitary pads and clothing. The fruit of this collection 🛍 will be distributed to local associations working in favor of people with disabilities and the fight against precariousness. 

The educational appointments also found their audience:

Debate on peasant seeds with the Triticum association, film-debate around the documentary "La fabrique des pandémies" with the student association UmaNi'terre, AVSF and our colleague Marie-Pierre Bruyant and then round-table discussion on water with L'Obs and Normandie pour la paix.

green week avsf
Green Week - movie debate "The Factory of Pandemics

Students and employees also had the opportunity to participate in manual workshops:

Vegetable garden workshop with the Uni'vert club, bike repair workshop with the association Point Ravito 🚲 and sewing workshop with the club 2 mains pour demain.



A big congratulations 👏 to all our students for the organization of this week full of good mood. Thanks also to Nathalie Massias, in charge of the DD-TES mission on the Rouen campus, who coordinated this Green Week.  

The last word by Lucille Couvant, student in 1st year of international engineering (Agro, Food & Environmental Engineering), member of Make It Green and in charge of the communication of the Green Week and Oriane Cochin, student in 1st year of international engineering (Agro, Food & Environmental Engineering), President of Make It Green

Throughout the week the atmosphere was friendly, supportive and festive, we are very happy with the result!