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Wednesday 19 June 2024

The 2nd year of the Bachelor Environment and Sustainable Development program has been a rich learning experience for our apprentices. Here's an overview of their second-semester activities as part of the QSE - Quality/Safety/Environment - teaching unit.

What is an ISO 9001 and 14001 audit?

As part of their training, Bachelor Environment and Sustainable Development students immersed themselves in the world of quality and the environment by carrying out a company audit in line with ISO 9001 (Quality) and 14001 (Environment) standards. This practical experience enabled them to apply the knowledge acquired during the first semester and contribute to improving practices within the company.

Understanding the standards

At the start of their course, students receive in-depth training on ISO 9001 and 14001 standards. They have acquired the understanding they need to assess an organization's quality and environmental impact.

Audit objective

The aim of the audit was to identify the company's strengths and weaknesses in terms of quality and the environment. The students used a benchmark to assess the company's processes, procedures and practices. They then formulated recommendations for improving performance and reducing the company's environmental footprint.

Soutenance Audit Sécurité Environnement  Soutenance Audit Environnement Qualité Bachelor

Safety in the workplace: what steps to take?

Exploring the ISO 45001 standard

The ISO 45001 standard focuses on the health and safety of employees within the company. The students studied this standard closely, learning how to optimize workplace safety and promote the well-being of all those involved in the organization. In this way, they have helped to create a safer, healthier environment for employees.

First aid training

Safety is paramount in all areas. Our students have undergone theoretical and practical training in first aid. They have acquired the essential skills to react effectively in an emergency. What if the next step was to become a Sauveteur Secouriste du Travail?

Premiers secours - atelier pratique_1  Premiers secours - atelier pratique_2 

A career path: understand, learn and apply

It is encouraging to note that more than half of our students apply these lessons in their host organization. Their commitment and professionalism are constantly improving, and companies have a great need for these skills. Goal: to perfect your skills in 3rd year!