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Tuesday 07 July 2020

Giving a financial boost to students with an international internship project (or in the French overseas departments and territories): this is the ambition of the ADREG grants awarded to UniLaSalle students.

Aurélia DUCHAUSSOY, a 3rd year student in Agronomy Engineering at UniLaSalle, Beauvais campus, will soon fly to Madagascar. She will be doing a two-month internship during which she will conduct an audit on the ecological, social and economic evaluation of a tropical agroecology plantation at Astérale (production of essential oils and floral waters).

Giving a financial boost to students with an international internship project (or in the French overseas departments and territories): this is the ambition of the ADREG grants awarded to UniLaSalle students.

The selected student will be presented with a cheque shortly, in the presence of Philippe Ott d'Estevou (Geology, 1980), former teacher-researcher in geology at UniLaSalle and former president of the ADREG (Association for Development and Research in Environment and Geosciences).

This scholarship was created to support mainly the departures abroad of our students having a project related to the environment. It is financed by the funds made available following the dissolution of the ADREG.


Aurélia Duchaussoy, élève-ingénieure en Agronomie à UniLaSalle


    "This internship is a unique opportunity because it will allow me to understand the functioning of a company abroad. Moreover, many missions are waiting for me. They should help the employees.

    I will be able to apply in the field a scientific and agroecological approach, acquired at UniLaSalle, in a developing country."

Aurélia DUCHAUSSOY (Agriculture, 2022, Beauvais)

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