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Monday 07 December 2020

During this confinement, Agrilab and its members continue to work on various projects, whether it be on connected sensors, robotics, or small agricultural equipment.

Is innovation complementary or antagonistic to sustainable development?

Agrilab encourages collaboration on projects that promote sustainable agriculture... but not only that! Agrilab is open to all and for all projects (agri or non agri), because it is indeed through exchange and sharing that changes will be possible in society.

Back on some projects :

Agricultural projects in OpenSource

- The Prefabricated : Modular agricultural equipment

The start-up manufactures open source agricultural equipment in kit form, totally modular (like a Lego or a Mécano!). Thus a farmer can adapt his equipment according to his needs (a stubble cultivator, a vibrocultivator, a seeder...). A way to fight against programmed obsolescence and to make this equipment accessible to the greatest number.

For more information: http://agrilab.unilasalle.fr/2020/10/lautoconstruction-agricole-opensource/

- Free RTK: Autoguiding and RTK at reduced cost, it's possible!

Two farmers are working on the implementation of an RTK GPS autosteering solution, but at (very) low cost. All this is possible thanks to the collaboration and sharing of a community of farmers around the world. Generalizing this technology to as many people as possible improves the accuracy of treatments, and thus reduces the environmental impact.

For more information: http://agrilab.unilasalle.fr/2020/07/rtk-a-prix-interessant-cest-possible/

- All our agricultural projects are here: http://agrilab.unilasalle.fr/projets-agricoles/

Our students are also involved

- CESAR: Robot for harvesting salads

At the request of the start-up Instar Robotics, five students worked with the Chair of Agricultural Machinery and New Technologies to develop a salad harvesting robot.
At the time of confinement, labor is difficult to find in market gardening... can robotics be the solution? The debate is still open!

To find out more: http://agrilab.unilasalle.fr/2020/11/cesar-un-robot-pour-recolter-les-salades/

- Innov'Aqua : The school's aquaponics start up

The students of the association Innov'Aqua have the project to create an aquaponics system.
If off-ground culture has bad press, just like fish farming, this is not the case with aquapony, which is a culture system without treatments, and which considerably reduces water consumption.

For more information: http://agrilab.unilasalle.fr/2020/11/aquaponie-un-systeme-vertueux-et-innovant/

- Throw no more, Scrap is gold!

This workshop regularly organized by AgriLab aims to learn how to recover electronic components from our old devices to reuse them. For example, the terminal at the entrance of AgriLab was made with recovered material. So don't throw it away, no more, you have the raw material for your next prototype!

For more information: http://agrilab.unilasalle.fr/2020/10/ne-jetez-plus-scrap-is-gold/

- FabAcademy: 6 months to learn Rapid Prototyping

The 6-month program is open to the general public. This year, a few 5th year students will be able to follow this course instead of the end-of-study internship.
Having a project is good... but having all the skills to carry it out is even better!

For more information: http://agrilab.unilasalle.fr/2020/09/inscrivez-vous-des-maintenant-a-la-fabacademy-2021/

To follow AgriLab's news :

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/AgriLab.UniLaSalle.fr/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/agrilabunilasalle/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_AgriLab_
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/agrilab.unilasalle.fr/