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Wednesday 15 March 2023

Conférence Ingénieur, ingénieure, pourquoi pas toi ?

As diversity is a priority, the engineering schools of Normandy and the association Elles Bougent join forces every year during the Printemps de l'Orientation to promote gender equality in the engineering professions and to change attitudes among young people.  

On March 9, the day after International Women's Rights Day, the 16th edition of the conference "Engineer, Engineeress, why not you?" was held, co-organized by the CESI, ENSI Caen, ESIGELEC, INSA Rouen and UniLaSalle Rouen schools.

Our UniLaSalle Rouen campus had the pleasure of hosting the event this year. We were able to count on the participation of about one hundred high school students in person and more than two hundred high school and college students from Normandy in distance learning!

Moderated by Coralie Moreau, a France Bleu journalist, this morning session shed light on professional skills, the diversity of educational backgrounds and the variety of careers, with an emphasis on the possibility of gender diversity within engineering fields. Adeline Lescanne-Gautier, Nutriset's CEO, was able to give her testimony as a woman, an agri-development engineer and currently the head of a large company. The young people present showed a real interest in the subject and were able to ask all their questions to our different speakers.  

This morning was a great success. Accompanied by our partners the schools CESI, ENSI Caen, ESIGELEC, INSA Rouen, we have transmitted our Lassalian values to the young generation.

Intervenants de la conférence