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Wednesday 15 May 2024

The circular economy forward-looking event took place on March 15, 2024 at UniLaSalle Rennes. It was an opportunity to celebrate 10 years of expertise in the circular economy and to take a "Back to the Future" look.

The forward-looking circular economy meeting is a forum for sharing knowledge and experience between the worlds of business, academia and the public sector.
It is also a platform for sharing the latest scientific developments in the fields of CSR, eco-design, innovative project management and industrial ecology. Partners such as Orange, INEC, ADEME, CRESS Bretagne, Fédération Française du Bâtiment, Région Bretagne, Rennes Ville et Métropole... meet to exchange ideas on a regular basis.

The event is open to anyone interested in the circular economy and its challenges: professionals from the public or private sector, researchers, people undergoing retraining or reorientation, students, etc.

The theme of the March 15, 2024 event was "Back to the Future", inspired by the famous saga produced by Steven Spielberg.

The day's scenario was designed to enable dialogue between all participants, to take stock of the actions of the last 10 years, and to better reflect on the future through conferences, round-table discussions, lunches and collective intelligence workshops.

Program for the day

Morning - A forward-looking meeting on the circular economy

  • 10am - 11am: Looking back > Scientific conference led by Yann Brunet, historian and researcher at Université Lumière Lyon 2, on the theme of "urban environmental history".
  • 11:30am - 1pm: Back to the future > Round-table discussion
    The circular economy, and beyond? What circular economy skills will companies and local authorities need in 5, 10 and 15 years' time?

With the participation of Nicolas Ulrich from ADEME Bretagne, Marion Michelin from CRESS Bretagne, Gaël Virlouvet, founder of Tehop and Nuria Macias from Agromousquetaires.

Afternoon - 10 years of circular economy expertise

2 collective intelligence workshops were open to all (report to come):

  • Collective intelligence workshop #1:
    Research & Innovation led by Benjamin Cordrie, holder of the Social and Circular Economy chair x Valdélia, Gaël Virlouvet from Téhop and Zoé Henry from Rennes Métropole.
  • Collective intelligence workshop #2:
    Employment: how to successfully enter the circular economy professions? 
    Making the most of your soft skills, led by Anne Lecomte, head of the Career Center at UniLaSalle Rennes.


  • 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm: An inspiring conference led by Frantz Daniaud, founder of the Recyclerie de Matériaux l'Ecrouvis, a materials recycling association based in the Pays de Redon region. He looks back on a career rich in encounters, which has led him to reflect on the importance of working hand in hand with local players on issues relating to the economy and waste management. A
  • 7pm: Cocktail reception > 30 alumni of the Circular Economy Specialized Master's program were on hand to celebrate the 10th anniversary of their course. 

The speakers

Yann Brunet, historien au Rdv de l'économie circulaire

Conférencier rdv économie circulaire