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Wednesday 19 June 2024

UniLaSalle raised €400,200 during the "Générations UniLaSalle" fundraising evening. Alumni, companies and students were on hand to support the seven projects presented in front of over 200 people.

A euphoric atmosphere prevailed yesterday in Paris at UniLaSalle's major fund-raising event!

400,200 euros were raised thanks to the generosity of donors and the financial participation of the school, which doubled the funds.

Alumni from the 4 campuses, companies, partners, employees, students, parents... all joined forces to make this unique evening a success.

The 200 guests were seduced by the quality of the seven projects presented to them; projects with meaning, with a future. We were touched by their confidence and warmly thank them for their donations to the Jean-Baptiste Gagne Foundation. This great evening, a first for UniLaSalle, launched its new major fundraising campaign, Générations UniLaSalle.

Thank you to our fabulous students and to all the speakers for their speeches. Thank you to the Support Committee. Thank you to Christophe Gangneux, our moderator, and Fleur Hardivillier-Cacheux, our auctioneer.

With you, education has the power to change the world.