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Friday 07 January 2022

The director of sustainable development at UniLaSalle and director of the Rennes campus was unanimously elected, along with Valérie Le Chanadec, from the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3.

Geoffroy Belhenniche, Group Sustainable Development Director and Director of UniLaSalle Rennes, and Valérie Le Chanadec, Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility Officer at the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, were appointed co-presidents of the DD&RS label at the end of the labeling committee meeting on December 14, for a two-year term.

Geoffroy Belhenniche, directeur du développement durable UniLaSalle et directeur d'UniLaSalle Rennes



"The DD&RS label is a formidable tool, built by and for higher education and research players, which makes it possible to build and monitor an ambitious sustainable development policy. It is a real source of pride to be able to accompany its evolution and ensure that more schools and universities benefit from it."


Geoffroy Belhenniche, Director of Sustainable Development for the UniLaSalle Group and Director of UniLaSalle Rennes


A label to promote the commitment of higher education institutions

The labeling system, known as the SD&RS Label - Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility - for higher education was created in 2015. It is the result of the collective work of a dozen universities and grandes écoles, the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE), the Conférence des Présidents d'Université (CPU), the Ministry in charge of Sustainable Development, the Ministry in charge of Higher Education and Research, and the Réseau des étudiants pour une société écologique et solidaire (RESES).

This label aims to encourage higher education institutions - places of education, life and research - to be more exemplary and allows them to promote their commitment nationally and even internationally. It also allows institutions to increase their skills within a group of committed institutions through their participation in the labeling committee.