World Soil Week 2024, organized by AFES, took place from November 29 to December 5. This 11ᵉ edition, on the theme of “Soil data and information”, brought together researchers, students, farmers and decision-makers. UniLaSalle played a central role, hosting several highlights on its Rouen campus and actively participating in exchanges and debates outside.
Film-debates, workshops, meetings and round tables
Throughout the week, the Rouen campus was the venue for a rich and varied exchange of ideas:
- A film-debate opened the discussions with a documentary on agroecological practices and their impact on soils. This event brought together students, teachers and farmers for a constructive debate.
- A day dedicated to high school and agricultural students offered interactive workshops, attended by 148 pupils and their 17 teachers. They were able to discover a wide range of tools for studying biodiversity and soil management in agricultural environments. These activities addressed practical themes while raising awareness of soil conservation issues.

Off-campus, UniLaSalle teams also made their mark. Isabelle Trinsoutrot-Gattin, director of the AGHYLE unit and an expert in soil microbial ecology, took part in a round table on agricultural data acquisition. She presented innovative tools such as infrared spectrometry and satellite data, highlighting their potential for improving agricultural practices and involving farmers and citizens in sustainable soil management.
UniLaSalle also took part in the workshops held at the ferme de deux'mains in Commes (14). A teacher-researcher, Babacar Thioye, and a research associate, Wassila Riah, both specialists in soil microbial ecology, demonstrated the methods available for assessing the symbiotic state of plants and quantifying the mycorrhizogenic potential of a soil. This indicator is particularly useful for discussing with farmers the importance of preserving soil biodiversity by adapting farming practices.

Towards a common vision for soil
The campus was lucky enough to host the closing day of World Soil Week. The event brought together key figures such as Hugo Langlois, the Rouen Normandie metropolitan councillor in charge of biodiversity, and representatives of the four French soil networks (AFES, RNEST, RMT Sol & Territoire, GIS Sol). Marlène MINORT-ENOT, environmental project manager for urban planning at Métropole Rouen Normandie, presented the city's approach to integrating soil quality into the intercommunal Local Urban Plan (PLUi).
Sébastien Windsor, President of UniLaSalle and the French Chambers of Agriculture, shared a strong vision of soil management, declaring: “We want public policy to be disaggregated and thought through subject by subject, so that we can offer farmers comprehensive advice and ensure that it is truly designed for farmers”. His speech also highlighted the crucial role played by soils in agricultural fertility, and the importance of an integrated approach combining science, policy and farming practice.

Collective mobilization for a sustainable future
This 2024 edition of World Soil Week was marked by strong collaboration between the players involved. “We are proud to have hosted several highlights on our campus and to have contributed to this major event,” said Wassila Riah, research project manager and event coordinator.
Through conferences, workshops and debates, UniLaSalle demonstrated its commitment to sustainable soil management and its ability to bring together the forces needed to meet the global challenges of preserving environments and biodiversity in a context of climate change.