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Monday 24 February 2025

At the beginning of December, some sixty students inaugurated the first musical 100% made in UniLaSalle. A highly successful project, carried out by passionate students in parallel with their studies, and enthusiastically welcomed by the whole Rouen campus! 

Orphéa is a musical imagined, written and produced by veterinary and engineering students at UniLaSalle Rouen. The project was born of the recent creation of the “Bureau Des Arts” (BDA), an association offering a wide range of activities invented by and for students. An ambitious extra-curricular adventure that bore fruit, bringing together over 400 people in the campus amphitheatre, transformed for the occasion. We were there, and tell you all about it! 

When artistic passion meets the world of science

At UniLaSalle Rouen, students are trained primarily in agronomy and veterinary medicine. At the same time, numerous associations, clubs and other extracurricular student initiatives punctuate the campus!

It's in this rather unexpected setting that Orphéa was born, a musical created and directed by three passionate students. It tells the story of Mia, a young girl torn between entering traditional higher education and her artistic passion. It's a dilemma common to many students, and one that was brilliantly portrayed by the Orphéa team. As scriptwriter and director of the project, we find Louise Balthazar, a second-year veterinary student and theater enthusiast from an early age, she says: “Elea, Cassandra, Franck, Guillaume, Maelys and I first sculpted the idea at the beginning of the summer of 2024. Once we had a rough outline of the story and songs, I took the reins to write the script!”

Orphéa - Comédie Musicale UniLaSalle Rouen

It was a bold, new idea: “We worked a lot without really knowing where it was going, if we'd have enough people to do it, if we'd be supported financially and logistically”. But after the first presentation meeting and auditions, it was with “tears in their eyes” that the small initial group realized the scale the project was about to take.

Cassandra Talbot, third-year student and project choreographer, recalls: “It was absolutely incredible, we thought it was going to be really complicated to choose”. Months of work followed, right up to the first performance in the campus amphitheatre: music, dance, costumes, sets, lighting, communication... the work was substantial, but the team was over-motivated! “For us, Mia's story could be that of any student or adult. Orphéa is a kind of cry for help for your childhood dreams!” 

Orphéa - Comédie Musicale UniLaSalle Rouen

A collective adventure, full of challenges

Louise and Cassandra are joined by vocal coach Elea Helary. All three have taken on the artistic direction of Orphéa. For them, more than an artistic project, it has become a real collective adventure. “This project has brought us together around shared passions... so many friendships have been made, it's incredible”, describes Cassandra. “The emotions couldn't have been stronger, from start to finish,” adds Elea. Indeed, the project brought together over 60 students from all walks of life: actors, dancers, singers, musicians, ... but also the indispensable “little hands” (decoration, make-up, security, ..)! “I'm at a loss for words... it was so rich both artistically and on a human level,” explains Elea. We had to train all the participants, who were at very different levels. Not always easy, she says, but very gratifying: “I was proud to see them evolve and gain confidence in their own talent”.  

In addition to the artistic challenges, logistical management also proved to be quite a challenge for the three coordinators. Learning how to manage a team, cope with stress, find a budget and equipment, but above all finding the time to do it, was a major challenge. “3 30-minute rehearsals every lunchtime, evenings in the amphitheatre until 9pm, weekends planning the organization, ... it was a lot of work, but we managed to make the best of it!” enthuses Louise.  In the end, at the beginning of December, they closed each of the 3 performances to thunderous applause.  “I cried my eyes out... it was crazy, I'd rarely felt anything so intense,” recalls Louise. “I was like a madeleine all evening!” adds Cassandra, laughing. Parents, friends, students and employees were all touched by Orphéa's universe and history, but above all blown away by the work carried out. “It was exhilarating, there was so much adrenalin,” says Elea, with stars in her eyes.  It was a unique opportunity that gave many students confidence and passion. 

Louise Balthazar, Cassandra Talbot, Eléa Hélary - comédie musicale Orphéa - UniLaSalle Rouen

In a student's daily life punctuated by often demanding studies, Orphéa was a real hit. A revelation for some, an unforgettable experience for all, it was the starting point for new artistic initiatives on campus!

Indeed, buoyed by the creativity and energy felt on stage, many students have joined the clubs of the Bureau des Arts. What's more, on April 10, the BDA launches its first Caméli'Art festival, so stay tuned! 


Photos by Hortense Vauterin, veterinary student

Written by Zoé Lapeze, student engineer