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Wednesday 29 September 2021

UniLaSalle, the Agglomération du Beauvaisis, and the Pôle Métropolitain de l'Oise invite you to the next Rendez-vous Agrégats which will be held on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, on the AgriLab site, in Troissereux.

This annual event, which is the result of a dynamic process initiated by the Pôle Métropolitain de l'Oise, brings together companies and research centers from the Beauvais, Compiègne and Creil agglomeration communities.

During the afternoon, 7 aggregates will be at the heart of the exchanges: Naturalness, Bioenergy, Water, Health, Industry of the Future, Aeronautics, and Resilience.

The objective of this annual meeting is to allow the actors to meet and to draw up an inventory of the projects in progress, and in fine to generate innovation on the territory, possibly with external resources, for the benefit of the actors, for their competitiveness, their wealth, employment and their attractiveness.



1:30 PM Welcome by Philippe Choquet

2:00 PM Aggregate issues " Innovation by ecodesign and transdisciplinarity " Olivier Gapenne (UTC) and Michel-Pierre Faucon (UniLaSalle)

Advances and perspectives of the ATT (10' presentation and 10' of questions by ATT)

2:10 PM Naturality " Functional substitution by natural systems " by Erwann Guénin (UTC) and Thierry Aussenac (UniLaSalle)

2:30 PM Bioenergy " Microalgae and methanization: a virtuous loop " by Thierry Ribeiro (UniLaSalle) and André Pauss (UTC)

2:50 PM Water " Management of resources and innovative recycling " by Edvina Lamy (UTC) and Romain Armand (UniLaSalle)

3:10 PM Health " Technological and participative " by Carine Delayre (UniLaSalle) and Jean-Matthieu Prau (UTC)

3:30 PM Industry of the Future " Generation of local applications " Benoît Eynard (UTC) and Marc-Emmanuel FAVRE (alfi-technologies)

3:50 PM Aeronautics " logistics and sustainable energy " by Philippe Trubert (Paris-Beauvais Airport) and Jean-Gérard Louasse (Ariane groupe)

4:10 PM Resilience " Current issues of territories " by Jean-Marc Picard (UTC) and François Teste (DEVOTEAM)  

4:30 PM Development of innovation in territories by Matthieu Alaime (10' presentation and 10' questions)




Virginie CENDRET
Scientific Project Manager
Michel-Pierre FAUCON
Director of Research and Development - Beauvais