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Friday 14 January 2022

In the 2022 edition of the L'Usine nouvelle ranking, UniLaSalle is the best engineering school in the "Environment" and "Agriculture - Agri-food" categories, and ranks ahead of the other Geosciences schools in the general ranking.

The 2022 ranking of engineering schools in Usine Nouvelle, which has just been published, reveals excellent performances for UniLaSalle which, for the first time, is at the top of the ranking for the two fields of specialization in which it appears:

For geosciences-geotechnical schools (which are not the subject of a specific category), UniLaSalle is 1st of the 5 schools present in the general ranking: UniLaSalle (54th), Polytech Grenoble (77th), Polytech Orléans (79th), Polytech Sorbonne (93rd) and ENSG Nancy (106th).

Overall, the Usine Nouvelle 2022 ranking uses 15 indicators divided into 4 criteria: Integration, International, Research and Links to companies. This ranking is primarily intended for industrialists; for this reason, it values what happens in the school and at the end of the program rather than upstream.

This year, 134 schools are ranked, retaining only those with more than 80 students enrolled and removing schools with a highly specialized core curriculum (such as military schools, for example, which are too far removed from the criteria used) or schools that did not wish to participate. This ranking uses public data provided by the Commission des titres d'ingénieur (©CTI - Year 2021) and the Conference of Directors of French Engineering Schools (©CDEFI - Year 2021). This result is consistent with the latest ranking of engineering schools published by L'Etudiant in January 2022.

* Not considered this year are the specialties of electrical and electronic engineering, digital engineering and information systems present at UniLaSalle-Amiens (ex-ESIEE-Amiens) following the too recent merger between the two schools. To learn more about these courses, click here.