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Houda Chkarat invites you to the defense of her thesis on Friday, March 21, 2025, at 10 a.m. in the amphitheater of UniLaSalle Rouen:

“Digital platforms in the agricultural sector: towards sustainability through knowledge sharing”


As digital transformation continues to reshape the modern economy, digital platforms are emerging as dynamic with transformative potential, particularly within the agricultural sector. At a time when agriculture is being called to reinvent its production methods as a response to growing sustainability challenges, this research explores the role of digital platforms in facilitating a transition towards sustainable agriculture.

The main objective of this research is to explore how digital platforms can structure and enhance knowledge networks, bridge geographic and institutional divides among agricultural stakeholders, and foster the adoption of sustainable practices. Drawing on a multiple qualitative approach, grounded in the conceptual framework of “digital sustainability” and actor-network theory, this research uncovers both the opportunities these platforms present and the risks and limitations they entail.

Three main themes structure our analysis: the conditions required for the development of digital platforms, their potential contribution to knowledge-sharing dynamics, and the challenges associated with their integration into diverse agricultural contexts. This research lies at the crossroads of current discussions on the convergence between digitalization and sustainability. It offers both theoretical insights and practical guidance for designing platforms that are rooted in the realities of the agricultural landscape and aligned with global sustainable development goals.


  • Dr. Isabelle PIOT-LEPETIT, Research Director, INRAE, UMR 1110 MOISA, Montpellier, Rapporteur.
  • Prof. Thomas LOILIER, University Professor, University of Caen Normandy, UR969 NIMEC, Rapporteur.
  • Prof. Fatiha FORT, University Professor, Institut Agro, UMR 1110 MOISA, Montpellier, Examiner
  • Dr. Michel DUBOIS, Associate Professor, UniLaSalle, InTerACT UP 2018.C102, Examiner.
  • Dr. Loïc SAUVEE, Associate Professor, UniLaSalle, InTerACT UP 2018.C102, Thesis Director
  • Dr. Tarek ABID, Associate Professor, UniLaSalle, InTerACT UP 2018.C102, co-thesis director.
  • Prof. Magalie MARAIS, Associate Professor, Montpellier Business School, MRM unit, Montpellier, Guest.
  • Dr. Florian FOUGY, Head of the Economics, Monitoring & Foresight Department, CRAN Normandie, Guest

Infos pratiques

- 10 a.m
UniLaSalle Rouen - Amphitheater
3 rue du Tronquet - 76130 Mont-Saint-Aignan