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At the interface between plants, their environment and agricultural production techniques, agronomy is an essential science for building agriculture that is both profitable and concerned with preserving the environment. In this area, UniLaSalle trains both in plant and animal production.

In agronomy, UniLaSalle engineers benefit from a wide choice of courses at the end of the engineer course, opting for a further study or one of the dedicated masters or MSc. Understand the plants and the conditions under which the harvests are optimized, design agricultural machines that take more account of the characteristics of the soil, create new varieties or improve the existing one via biotechnologies, develop urban agriculture or even agriculture precision thanks to Big Data, these are the challenges that UniLaSalle engineers can meet.

In animal production, the engineer UniLaSalle will draw on his knowledge in animal physiology to advise breeders technically, design products adapted to the needs of farm animals and offer breeding methods that meet both regulatory changes and markets, and society's expectations, particularly in terms of animal welfare.

What about research?

The bi-localized research units in Beauvais and Rouen AGHYLE, INTERACT and Transformations and Agro-resources carry out numerous projects related to agronomy.

The AGHYLE (AGroecology, Hydrogeochemistry, environments and rEsources) unit is interested in understanding the soil-water-chemical and biological elements-plant-microorganisms ecosystem to improve the quality and health of plants. His expertise is based in particular on the Normand Serre experimental station and on the technical hydrogeology platform.

The INTERACT unit (Innovation territory Agriculture & Agro-industry, Knowledge and Technology) combines human and social sciences with agronomy to understand the innovation processes towards sustainable agriculture and the economic, sociological, socio-technical and organizational conditions of these changes at the level of companies, sectors and territories.

The Transformations & Agroressources unit deals with the transformation and enhancement of the whole plant with a view to sustainable development. Within it, the PETALES team (Food Processes and Transformations and Health Effects) studies in particular food processes and transformations and their effects on the health of humans and animals.