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Bachelor’s degree in Geology and Environment

Exciting, hands-on jobs!

To preserve our planet and its resources, but also to protect ourselves from natural hazards, we need to get to know it!

The Bachelor's degree in Geosciences and the Environment prepares you for a multitude of exciting professions linked to the issues of our time:

  • Soil remediation
  • Managing groundwater resources
  • Tunnel construction
  • Preventing landslides
  • Boring boreholes for geothermal power plants
  • Use computer data to model geological processes
  • Manage site equipment

Detailed program of the Bachelor's degree in Geology and Environment (2023-2024)

Workshops, excursions and field schools

Excursions are scheduled throughout the 3-year BSc degree in Geology. The aim of these workshops is to provide you with the practical experience in the field to sharpen your observational skills and deepen your understanding of geology.

Semi-autonomous field schools allow you to apply your theoretical and practical knowledge to a real-life case study, in France or abroad. Field work is organized in small groups, usually for a research mapping project.

In the field, students are supervised by a professional geologist and/or a research lecturer from UniLaSalle.


Career opportunities

Graduates work in the field, in the laboratory or in the office, on development projects, resource exploration and exploitation, or industrial site clean-up. These assignments are designed to meet today's challenges: sustainability of deposits, prevention of natural and industrial risks, interactions with the environment, etc.

Some professions

  • Geological technician (Major Projects)
  • Geosciences research technician
  • Hydrogeological prospector
  • Applied geophysics prospector
  • Field geotechnician (monitoring and supervision of drilling and in situ tests, instrumentation)
  • Laboratory geotechnician (physical and mechanical tests on soil and rock)
  • Site geotechnician (monitoring of geotechnical works on land or at sea)
  • Project database / geographic information system manager
  • Drilling technician (oil drilling monitoring, mud logger, geothermal probes)
  • Corporate environmental technician (site decontamination monitoring)
  • Environmental technician in a design office (water and soil quality monitoring)
  • Aggregates quarry technician (monitoring operations)
Any questions? Contact us!
Admissions - Beauvais campus
+33 (0)3 44 06 93 46
Admissions - international candidates
+33 (0)2 32 82 91 29