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Do you have questions about our courses and career opportunities? About student life? Admission requirements? UniLaSalle offers you a wide range of meetings to discuss your study project, on site, remotely or near you.

Visit our campuses during Open Days
JPO UniLaSalle

Come and discover your future study environment and meet our teacher-researchers and students at our Open Days. UniLaSalle organizes 3 to 4 per campus each year.


I register

Our next open days

  • Friday, February 16, 2024 from 5pm to 8pm
  • Saturday, February 10, 2024 from 9am to 5pm
  • Saturday, February 10, 2024 
  • Saturday, February 10, 2024
Journée immersion UniLaSalle


Immersion days


Put yourself in the shoes of a UniLaSalle student bachelor or engineer for a day!

Several immersion days are organized from December to March to discover the world of students.

See you on our campuses!


I register

Agro, Food & Environmental Engineering

Rouen Campus

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • February 14, 2024

I register

Bachelor AgriTEC - Embedded systems for agronomy

Beauvais Campus

Sorry, no more immersion days for this program!

Bachelor Agri Sustainable Business

Beauvais Campus

Sorry, no more immersion days for this program!

Agronomy and Agro-industries Engineer

Beauvais Campus

Sorry, no more immersion days for this program!

I register

Food & Health Engineer

Beauvais Campus

Sorry, no more immersion days for this program!

I register

Bachelor of Digital Engineering
Energy and Digital Systems Engineer

Amiens Campus

Sorry, no more immersion days for this program!

I register

Bachelor Environment & Sustainable Development

Rennes Campus

Sorry, no more immersion days for this program!

Environmental Engineering

Rennes Campus

  • February 9th, 2024

Environment Day (Engineer + Bachelor)

Rennes Campus

  • April 2, 2024 (Green Day)

I register

Bachelor of Science and Engineering in Geosciences & Environment

Beauvais Campus

  • February 7th, 2024


I register

Geology field immersion days
Join our student geologists in the field!

Want to put yourself in the shoes of one of UniLaSalle's geology engineering students? Join them in the field for a day or half-day!

Information and registration


Our upcoming online sessions give you the opportunity to discover our school, its courses and admission procedures. Get ready to explore, learn and exchange ideas live during our webinars!

They take place from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and the link will be sent to you the day before your appointment.

Upcoming dates

The webinar runs from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

  • January 31, 2024 - From high school to UniLaSalle: student testimonials
  • February 6, 2024 - Continuing your studies as an apprentice (Engineer & Bachelor)
  • February 15, 2024 - SDG 14 and 15, Aquatic and terrestrial life / SDG 13, Measures to combat climate change


Prochaine date : mercredi 13 novembre 2024

Découverte des parcours métiers et débouchés possibles par univers de formation, que ce soit sous statut apprenti ou statut étudiant. 

Animé par nos diplômés et responsables de l'accompagnement des étudiants dans l'insertion professionnelle.

Choisis le domaine qui t'intéresse parmi ces 2 possibilités :

Formations SVT / Environnement

  • Agro, Food & Environmental Sciences
  • Agronomie 
  • Santé par l'alimentation
  • Environnement
  • Géosciences

Je m'inscris (prochainement)

Formations Énergie / Numérique

  • Robotique 
  • Informatique
  • Cybersécurité
  • Transition énergétique
  • Énergie et développement durable

Je m'inscris (prochainement)

Prochaine date : mercredi 18 décembre 2024

Découvre notre école, ses formations et modalités d'admission ! Tu pourras poser toutes tes questions concernant les démarches sur Parcoursup et échanger en direct avec notre responsable Admissions.

Je m'inscris (prochainement)

Prochaine date : mercredi 8 janvier 2025

Besoin de renseignements pour intégrer UniLaSalle à partir de la 2e année, que ce soit en statut étudiant ou par apprentissage ? Rejoins notre webinaire pour échanger avec notre responsable Admissions et le centre d'accompagnement à l'apprentissage.

Je m'inscris (prochainement)

Besoin de plus d’infos avant de candidater depuis l’étranger ?

Renseigne-toi sur les programmes disponibles en français et anglais, pose tes questions à l’équipe d’orientation et d’admissions, découvre nos 4 campus en France.

Je m'inscris


A connection link will be sent to you by e-mail the day before the webinar (check your spam folder if you haven't received it), and log in at 6:30pm!

Prochaine date : mercredi 5 février 2025

Des informations sur le déroulement de ces formations sur 3 ans 100% en apprentissage, leurs débouchés et l'accompagnement à la recherche d'un contrat en apprentissage juste après le Baccalauréat.

Je m'inscris (prochainement)

Questions about veterinary training? Sign up for our dedicated webinars! 

Over twenty dates are offered throughout the year. Meet us on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 pm!

Register now

Need more information before applying from abroad? Find out about the programs available in French and English, ask your questions to our guidance and admissions team, and discover our 4 campuses in France.

I want to participate


Sorry, there are no longer any student fairs in which UniLaSalle participates in this region.

  • RENNES - March 14, 2024: Food Talent at CFIA

Sorry, there are no longer any student fairs in which UniLaSalle participates in this region.

  • METZ - du 21 au 23 novembre 2024 : ORIACTION-ONISEP
  • NANCY - 14 novembre 2024 : GEOLOGIA
  • REIMS - 29 et 30 novembre 2024 : Forum Avenir

Sorry, there are no longer any student fairs in which UniLaSalle participates in this region.

  • PARIS - February 24 to March 3, 2024: Salon International de l'Agriculture

Sorry, there are no longer any student fairs in which UniLaSalle participates in this region.

Sorry, there are no longer any student fairs in which UniLaSalle participates in this region.

Sorry, there are no longer any student fairs in which UniLaSalle participates in this region.

Benefit from a personalized appointment with the Orientation team

Do you have specific questions about a course or admission procedures?

Would you like to visit one of our campuses outside our open days and immersions (available from April to June, on request)?

Make an appointment with our Orientation & Admissions team for personalized advice.

I make an appointment

with our students!

Questions about UniLaSalle and campus life? Our Discord server lets you chat with students from all the different streams and courses.

Don't hesitate to make a personal appointment with our Orientation and Admissions department for information on our courses and admissions procedures.

Contact us
Admissions - Amiens Campus
+33 (0)3 22 66 20 21
Admissions - Beauvais Campus
+33 (0)3 44 06 93 46
Admissions - Rennes Campus
+33 (0)2 90 02 85 22
Admissions - Rouen Campus
+33 (0)2 79 18 33 88
Admissions - candidats internationaux