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Where did you go and what did you do there?

I went to Valencia, Spain, as an exchange student at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. I am doing a "Grado en Ingenería Agroalimentaria y del medio rural", with courses such as animal welfare, production of vegetable raw materials or dietetics.

Why did you choose this country over another?

I chose Spain because Spanish is a language that I particularly like, and that I wanted to improve more. Also, I had the chance to visit a few Spanish cities before my departure, and had fallen under the spell of the Spanish landscape and culture.

What did you learn during this Go LaSalle stay?

During this Go LaSalle experience, I learned to immerse myself in the Spanish culture, and to awaken my curiosity in order to make this experience the richest and most beneficial for me.

Despite my doubts and fears about traveling 6 months in a foreign country, completely alone and without reference points, I am extremely proud today to have had the courage to take the plunge.

I had the chance to meet great people, to travel around Spain and Europe, and most importantly to improve my Spanish considerably.


How will this help you in your professional life?

In my professional life, this experience will allow me to never be afraid of an environment in which I will not have my marks. If there is one thing I am convinced of today, it is that I can adapt anywhere and to any situation. All it takes is a little bit of curiosity, and a lot of willpower.

Did you encounter any difficulties during your stay?

It was indeed very difficult for me at the beginning of my stay to find my marks: to find an apartment, to find my way in the city... Little by little, these fears disappear, and our marks are created. Doubts gave way to a growing curiosity, and to many wonderful experiences.

What is your best memory?

There are many good memories of this experience. Only, my meeting with two students also in Erasmus was one of the most beautiful. I spent most of my stay with them, and had the chance to visit Lisbon, where one of them lives. We met her family, visited the surroundings, and enjoyed the last moments together, as this wonderful experience is unfortunately coming to an end...

Any advice for future 3rd years who will be in your shoes next year?

Don't be afraid of loneliness, you will adapt very quickly and meet great people! If you want to go to the end of the world, don't hesitate for a second. Just make sure you know the language in which your classes will be held, and you're set.

Also, take advantage of this experience to travel and visit the city you're in and around. This is a unique opportunity, so take it!