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Friday 29 April 2022

They are students, but they have already created their company! Discover the four start-ups labeled UniLaSalle entrepreneurship of 2022.

Lasallian entrepreneurship welcomes four new projects accredited by the institute:

- BellyCare: A start-up founded by Melissa Bertin, Maxime Blanc and Rémy Degrolard, all students in the 5th year of Food & Health, which aims to support people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, thanks to a range of dishes prepared and adapted to this digestive disorder. Through the label, Belly Care also benefits from the support of Philippe Pouillart, teacher-researcher in culinary practices & health.

- Animal N tech: A connected object designed to educate animals in a positive way. Aurore Kubica's first project (Agriculture, 2021, Beauvais) will teach dogs to walk on a leash. Aurore is also a student of the 2022 class of AgriLab's FabAcademy, and is incubated by ITerra, the gas pedal accredited by the Hauts-de-France region and founded, among others, by UniLaSalle.

- KopaBa: A project to turn whey, a by-product of the dairy industry, into vodka. Led by Camille Chevallier, a 5th year student in agronomy and agro-industry and her team, KopaBa is defined as an original, authentic and eco-responsible drink. Under the National Student-Entrepreneur Status (SNEE) with the PéPite A2u, currently in substitution of internship (end of studies thesis) following the Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship and Innovation Course, Camille is also accompanied by Hélène Bigeard, teacher-researcher in entrepreneurship. In the wake of her project's R&D, UniLaSalle is supporting Camille and her project in collaboration with the Health College teams under the direction of Carine Delayre, teacher-researcher in immunology & pharmaco-toxicology and David Marier, study engineer in microbiology.

- Scan Mon Champ: A digital solution that consists in installing QR codes next to agricultural plots that will allow walkers to know the characteristics of the crops (cultivated area, seeds used, outlets for the crop). This project, initiated by Marion Lechevin, Anne-Lise Leclerc, Benoit Vandeputte, Pierre Feuillet, Hugo Renault and Maxence Malezieux, all students in their 4th year of Agronomy and Agro-industries at Beauvais, aims to create a link with consumers, and ultimately to enhance the value of the agricultural sector. Finalists in the MakeITagri competition this season, they were also winners of the AgreenStart-up Normandie competition on March 17.