A Bachelor's degree that puts the environment and sustainable development at the service of the economy and society, training experts capable of responding to environmental and societal challenges.
Detailed program of the Bachelor's degree in Environment and Sustainable development (2023-2024)
Semester 1
- Mathematics
- Applied statistics
- The making and development of the city
- Practical Work on Air
- Air treatment and quality
Learning objectives
- Master basic mathematical concepts (1st degree operation/equation, etc.)
- Be able to identify the mathematical tools needed to process data
- Master specific technical vocabulary relating to water quality
- Understand the link between chemical measurements and water quality
- Carry out simple water analyses
- Acquire a general and scientific knowledge of atmospheric pollution
- Understand the different atmospheric pollutants and how they are dispersed
- Understand the impact of atmospheric pollutants on climate change
- Analyze the microbiological quality of indoor air in premises
- Be able to understand the results of a microbiological air analysis, in relation to standards and regulations
Target skills
- Knowledge and understanding of mathematics, other basic sciences and engineering disciplines, and understanding of applicable materials, equipment, tools, technologies and technical processes essential to their specialization, at a level sufficient to achieve other learning outcomes.
- Ability to analyze technical products, processes and systems; ability to select and apply appropriate existing analytical, computational and experimental methods; ability to recognize the importance of non-technical constraints (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyses in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to design and conduct experimental studies, interpret data and draw conclusions in their field of study.
- Ability to identify non-technical aspects (human, societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial) of engineering practice.
- Ability to consult and apply standards, codes of practice and safety regulations in their field of study.
- Energy issues
- Life cycle assessment
- Sustainable development and Companies Social Responsibility
- Sustainable Development workshop
Learning objectives
- Understand the concept of sustainable development and the SDGs
- Understand the challenges of ecological and societal transition
- Have a scientific understanding of climate change
- Understand the financing and governance needs of the transition
- Be familiar with global energy issues
- Understand the possibilities of energy transition
- Initiate the concrete implementation of a sustainable development project in a well-known structure: UniLaSalle Rennes
- Produce awareness-raising content tailored to the target audience
- Encourage better adoption of sustainable development practices
- Learn to lead a team project with tangible results
- Be able to carry out organized and structured teamwork
- Be able to produce relevant and adapted awareness-raising content (content/form)
- Be able to use the concepts of industrial ecology, territorial ecology, eco-design and circular economy
- Be able to document and analyze examples of approaches and methods
- Understand the value of multi-criteria environmental methods for impact assessment
- Be familiar with the broad outlines of Life cycle assessment methodology
Target skills
- Knowledge and understanding of mathematics, other basic sciences and engineering disciplines, and understanding of applicable materials, equipment, tools, technologies and technical processes essential to their specialization, at a level sufficient to achieve other learning outcomes.
- Ability to analyze technical products, processes and systems; ability to select and apply appropriate existing analytical, computational and experimental methods; ability to recognize the importance of non-technical constraints (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyses in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to design and conduct experimental studies, interpret data and draw conclusions in their field of study.
- Ability to identify non-technical aspects (human, societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial) of engineering practice.
- Awareness of economic, organizational and management issues (project management, risk and change management, personnel management, etc.) in industrial and corporate environments.
- Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions effectively with the engineering community and society at large.
- Ability to undertake and innovate, within the framework of personal projects or through initiative and involvement within the company in entrepreneurial projects.
- Water management and treatment
- Waste treatment management
- Studies on air
- Pollution and the human body
Learning objectives
- Learn about the different indoor air pollutants and their impact on health
- Define ozone depletion and identify its causes
- Understand the standards and regulations applicable to air quality
- Understand the different sources of pollution and how they enter the body
- Make the link between different pollutants and their impact on different organisms
- Understand the large and small water cycle
- Be familiar with the different parameters used to monitor water quality
- Understand the different wastewater treatment techniques
- Be familiar with the different categories of waste and their production rations
- Characterize waste management on a regional scale
- Know and research the different regulations applicable to waste management
- Understand the different ways in which waste is treated and recovered
- Be able to present the different players involved in waste management and the links between them
- Acquire in each module a general and scientific culture applied to each topic
Target skills
- Knowledge and understanding of mathematics, other basic sciences and engineering disciplines, and understanding of applicable materials, equipment, tools, technologies and technical processes essential to their specialization, at a level sufficient to achieve other learning outcomes.
- Ability to design and develop products, processes and systems within their field of study, respecting imposed constraints, selecting and applying appropriate design methodologies and taking into account non-technical aspects (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyses in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to design and conduct experimental studies, interpret data and draw conclusions in their field of study.
- Ability to identify non-technical aspects (human, societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial) of engineering practice.
- Awareness of economic, organizational and management issues (project management, risk and change management, personnel management, etc.) in industrial and corporate environments.
- Ability to consult and apply standards, codes of practice and safety regulations in their field of study.
- Ability to gather and interpret relevant data and understand the complexity of their field of study, in order to inform decisions requiring reflection on important social and ethical issues.
- Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions effectively with the engineering community and society at large.
- Introduction à la biodiversité
- Écologie appliquée
- Hydrologie
- Écologie générale
- Hygiène industrielle
- Notion de base dans l'organisation d'un inventaire des oiseaux, reptiles, amphibiens - sortie terrain
- Acquérir une culture générale et scientifique sur la pollution de l'eau et les conséquences
- Notion de base en hydrologie
- Comprendre le fonctionnement des écosystèmes
- Connaitre les principales biocontaminations des aliments
Compétences visées
- Connaissance et compréhension des mathématiques, autres sciences de base ainsi que disciplines d'ingénierie et compréhension des matériaux, équipements, outils applicables, des technologies et processus techniques indispensables à leur spécialisation, à un niveau suffisant pour atteindre les autres acquis de formation.
- Capacité à analyser des produits, processus et systèmes techniques ; capacité à sélectionner et appliquer les méthodes analytiques, de calcul
et expérimentales existantes appropriées ; capacité à reconnaître l’importance des contraintes non-techniques (sociétales, d’hygiène et de sécurité, environnementales, économiques et industrielles). - Capacité à mener des recherches bibliographiques, à consulter et utiliser avec un œil critique des bases de données scientifiques et d’autres sources d’informations appropriées, à établir un état de l’art, à réaliser des simulations et analyses afin d’approfondir les études et la recherche sur des sujets techniques dans leur domaine de spécialisation.
- Capacité à concevoir et mener des études expérimentales, à interpréter les données et à tirer des conclusions dans leur domaine d’étude.
- Capacité à identifier les aspects non-techniques (humains, sociétaux, d’hygiène et de sécurité, environnementaux, économiques et industriels)
de la pratique de l’ingénierie. - Capacité à recueillir et interpréter des données pertinentes et à appréhender la complexité dans leur domaine d’étude, afin d’éclairer les
décisions nécessitant une réflexion sur des problèmes sociaux et éthiques importants. - Capacité à communiquer des informations, idées, problèmes et solutions de manière efficace avec la communauté des ingénieurs et la société en général.
- Droit économique
- Gestion de projet
- Introduction au droit du travail
- Centre de carrière
- Connaître les différentes étapes de gestion d’un projet
- Savoir structurer et séquencer tout type de projet
- Analyse les risques du projet
- Coordonner et animer le projet et l'équipe
- Compréhension des phénomènes économiques et juridiques
- Comprendre la production de richesse et sa mesure
- Acquérir une culture générale en sciences humaines et sociales
- Comprendre le statut d’apprenti et le statut de salarié au sein d’une entreprise
- Les règles de base du droit du travail
- Savoir construire son projet professionnel
- Postuler à des offres de stage ou d’alternance avec un CV et une lettre de motivation aboutis
Compétences visées
- Capacité à mener des recherches bibliographiques, à consulter et utiliser avec un œil critique des bases de données scientifiques et d’autres sources d’informations appropriées, à établir un état de l’art, à réaliser des simulations et analyses afin d’approfondir les études et la recherche sur des sujets techniques dans leur domaine de spécialisation.
- Capacité à identifier, formuler et résoudre des problèmes complexes, à gérer des activités ou projets techniques ou professionnels dans leur
domaine d’étude. - Capacité à identifier les aspects non-techniques (humains, sociétaux, d’hygiène et de sécurité, environnementaux, économiques et industriels)
de la pratique de l’ingénierie. - Conscience des problèmes économiques, organisationnels et de gestion (gestion de projet, gestion des risques et du changement, gestion du personnel...) dans le milieu industriel et des entreprises.
- Capacité à consulter et appliquer les normes, codes de bonne pratique et les réglementations de sécurité de leur domaine d’étude.
- Capacité à communiquer des informations, idées, problèmes et solutions de manière efficace avec la communauté des ingénieurs et la société en général.
- Capacité à entreprendre et à innover, dans le cadre de projets personnels ou par l’initiative et l’implication au sein de l’entreprise dans des
projets entrepreneuriaux. - Capacité à suivre les évolutions scientifiques et technologiques et à s'engager dans un apprentissage tout au long de la vie.
- Communiquer à l’écrit et à l’oral en anglais et espagnol/allemand
- Se présenter et présenter les autres dans un acte social informel
- Donner son avis et demander celui des autres
- Exprimer ses centres d'intérêt et les justifier
- Lire et comprendre les points essentiels d’annonces et d’articles de journaux, de sujets familiers sur les thèmes de la vie quotidienne
- Écouter et comprendre des messages
Discuter avec un partenaire pour planifier ou organiser une mission ou un évènement - Écrire un e-mail privé en employant les formes d’usage
Compétences visées
- Capacité à analyser des produits, processus et systèmes techniques ; capacité à sélectionner et appliquer les méthodes analytiques, de calcul
et expérimentales existantes appropriées ; capacité à reconnaître l’importance des contraintes non-techniques (sociétales, d’hygiène et de sécurité,
environnementales, économiques et industrielles). - Capacité à mener des recherches bibliographiques, à consulter et utiliser avec un œil critique des bases de données scientifiques et d’autres sources d’informations appropriées, à établir un état de l’art, à réaliser des simulations et analyses afin d’approfondir les études et la recherche sur des sujets techniques dans leur domaine de spécialisation.
- Capacité à travailler de manière efficace dans un contexte national et international, en tant qu’individu et membre d’une équipe, et à collaborer de manière efficace avec des ingénieurs et non ingénieurs ; aptitude à gérer des activités ou projets techniques ou professionnels complexes dans leur
domaine d’étude, en assumant la responsabilité de ses décisions. - Capacité à suivre les évolutions scientifiques et technologiques et à s'engager dans un apprentissage tout au long de la vie.
Semester 2
- Community life
Learning objectives
- Deepen the notions of commitment, responsibility and solidarity.
- Entrepreneurship by taking responsibility in campus associations or by carrying out entrepreneurship projects.
- Serve the common good of the school, student life or public utility associations / but also serve those who need it by developing solidarity actions.
- Position yourself in the group, promote your strengths and qualities, deepen your knowledge of others and yourself.
- Understand major societal issues (Immigration, social justice, interculturality, fight against all forms of poverty and against exclusion or discrimination, the common good, human issues linked to climate change, etc.).
- Circular economy, Industrial and territorial ecology
- Energy
- Introduction to Eco-design
- Green Day Tutored project
- Initiate a circular economy project
- CSR and Sustainable Development at territorial level
- Sustainable Development workshop
Learning objectives
- Distinguish and compare the different environmental assessment tools
- Develop a corporate environmental assessment approach
- Understand the issues and challenges posed by sustainable development that are specific to local areas
- Be able to analyze the major trends in sustainable development in a specific local context
- Understand the interactions between local and global players in the implementation of sustainable development policies
- Be familiar with the reference frameworks and legislative frameworks available to support sustainable development policies
- Be familiar with the different forms of energy
- Calculate energy consumption
- Understand an eco-design approach
- Be able to organize a sustainable development event
- Master the key themes of the event
- Raise awareness and mobilize different audiences (UniLaSalle students, employees, external audiences) to the challenges of sustainable development
- Initiate a more global approach to sustainable development on an identified theme
- Be able to organize, plan, budget and coordinate the organization of an event
- Be able to promote the actions undertaken
Target skills
- Knowledge and understanding of mathematics, other basic sciences and engineering disciplines, and understanding of applicable materials, equipment, tools, technologies and technical processes essential to their specialization, at a level sufficient to achieve other learning outcomes.
- Ability to analyze technical products, processes and systems; ability to select and apply appropriate existing analytical, computational and experimental methods; ability to recognize the importance of non-technical constraints (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to design and develop products, processes and systems within their field of study, respecting imposed constraints, selecting and applying appropriate design methodologies and taking into account non-technical aspects (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to identify, formulate and solve complex problems, and to manage technical or professional activities or projects in their field of study.
- Ability to identify non-technical aspects (human, societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial) of engineering practice.
- Awareness of economic, organizational and management issues (project management, risk and change management, personnel management, etc.) in industrial and corporate environments.
- Ability to gather and interpret relevant data and understand the complexity of their field of study, in order to inform decisions requiring reflection on important social and ethical issues.
- Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions effectively with the engineering community and society at large.
- Ability to work effectively in a national and international context, as an individual and as part of a team, and to collaborate effectively with engineers and non-engineers; ability to manage complex technical or professional activities or projects in their field of study, taking responsibility for their decisions.
- Ability to undertake and innovate, within the framework of personal projects or through initiative and involvement within the company in entrepreneurial projects.
- Ability to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments and to engage in lifelong learning.
- Quality Health Safety Environment
- ISO 9001 standard
- General principles of ISO standards
- Quality Health Safety Environment Jobs and Business function
- Dashboards - indicators
- Applied statistics
Learning objectives
- From a case study (ex: carpooling), propose and calculate a set of quantified indicators
- Use these indicators to take decisions
- Know the concept of standardization and certification
- Know the evaluation devices
- Getting to know the relevant actors
- Know the vocabulary of ISO standards
- Know the concepts of standardization/ certification
- Identify the different ISO standards
- Understand and convey the main principles of ISO
- Understand the links between a normative approach and regulation
- Read and decode a quality standard
- Introduction to environmental and sustainable development management: definition and objective
- Understand how the quality management system works
- Know how to define the concept: quality management
- Better understand the value of a management system in relation to regulations
- Understand the link between statistics and business applications
- Identify relevant statistical tools
- Implement simple static calculations
Target skills
- Knowledge and understanding of mathematics, other basic sciences and engineering disciplines, and understanding of applicable materials, equipment, tools, technologies and technical processes essential to their specialization, at a level sufficient to achieve other learning outcomes.
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyses in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to identify, formulate and solve complex problems, and to manage technical or professional activities or projects in their field of study.
- Ability to identify non-technical aspects (human, societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial) of engineering practice.
- Awareness of economic, organizational and management issues (project management, risk and change management, personnel management, etc.) in industrial and corporate environments.
- Ability to consult and apply standards, codes of practice and safety regulations in their field of study.
- Ability to gather and interpret relevant data and understand the complexity of their field of study, in order to inform decisions requiring reflection on important social and ethical issues.
- Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions effectively with the engineering community and society at large.
- Business management
- Survey and Data collection
- Sustainable Development workshop
Learning objectives
- Acquire knowledge and practical experience of business management information systems
- Understand how costs are organized in companies
- Understand the commercial organization and associated documents
- Be able to construct a field survey protocol using various existing techniques (quantitative or qualitative)
Target skills
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyses in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to design and conduct experimental studies, interpret data and draw conclusions in their field of study.
- Awareness of economic, organizational and management issues (project management, risk and change management, personnel management, etc.) in industrial and corporate environments.
- Ability to gather and interpret relevant data and understand the complexity of their field of study, in order to inform decisions requiring reflection on important social and ethical issues.
- Ability to work effectively in a national and international context, as an individual and as part of a team, and to collaborate effectively with engineers and non-engineers; ability to manage complex technical or professional activities or projects in their field of study, taking responsibility for their decisions.
- Ability to undertake and innovate, within the framework of personal projects or through initiative and involvement within the company in entrepreneurial projects.
- Internship
- Apprentice support
Learning objectives
- Understanding and apprehending an organization within a company
- Carry out assignments within an organization
- Search for work-linked training opportunities and be proactive when applying for them
- Adapt your CV and covering letter to different applications
- Present yourself and your career plan
- Adopt a professional attitude during interviews
- Understand the different themes of the Bachelor's degree bachelor course and the correlations with the assignments offered in companies
- Write an internship report in accordance with the graphic charter and the essential prerequisites for a report
Target skills
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyses in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions effectively with the engineering community and society at large.
- Ability to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments and to engage in lifelong learning.
Learning objectives
- Communicate orally and in writing in English and Spanish/German
- Introduce yourself and others in informal social situations
- Giving your opinion and asking others for theirs
- Express and justify interests
- Read and understand the main points of advertisements and newspaper articles on familiar everyday topics
- Listen to and understand messages
- Talk to a partner to plan or organize a mission or event
- Write a private e-mail using the usual forms
Target skills
- Ability to analyze technical products, processes and systems; ability to select and apply appropriate existing analytical, computational and experimental methods; ability to recognize the importance of non-technical constraints (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyzes in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to work effectively in a national and international context, as an individual and as part of a team, and to collaborate effectively with engineers and non-engineers; ability to manage complex technical or professional activities or projects in their field of study, taking responsibility for their decisions.
- Ability to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments and to engage in lifelong learning.
- Office automation
- News & lifestyle Project
- Information and communication rights
- Oral communication, Print and creative communication
- Bibliographic tools and methodology
- Written communication
Learning objectives
- Learn the basics of oral communication
- Identify your strengths and weaknesses when speaking
- Apply tools to improve oral communication
- Learn how to create media such as posters, flyers and brochures
- Take into account the "communicative" dimension of a paper medium
- Explain technical or scientific information in layman's terms
- Design a commercial document tailored to a specific target audience
- Master the vocabulary of information and communication law
- Understand the implications of using and/or distributing images
- Understand and apply a confidentiality protocol
- Know how to search for bibliographical references and analyse their reliability
- Learn the basics of a bibliography
Target skills
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyses in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to design and conduct experimental studies, interpret data and draw conclusions in their field of study.
- Ability to identify non-technical aspects (human, societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial) of engineering practice.
- Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions effectively with the engineering community and society at large.
- Ability to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments and to engage in lifelong learning.
Semester 3
- Energies : Challenges for companies
- Sustainable energies
- Economic law : Contracting or getting help
- Materials and Circular economy
Learning objectives
- Understanding the energy stakes for a company: energy policy, constraints and motivations
- Why Energy Transition?
- Energy at the heart of transformation: What is it used for? How are energy systems organized for a company?
- Proposing and evaluating improvements in energy consumption to move towards decarbonization
- Get to know the renewable energies sectors through the potential prejudices surrounding them, their description, opportunities and locks to going even further towards decarbonization
- Discover an operational renewable energies site
- Learn about economic law to work towards more sustainable, environmentally-friendly industries
- Understand the economic and legal aspects of ecological issues
- Analyze the economic and legal environment of an organization and the constraints that arise from it
- Identify the economic and legal locks and levers to change management with a view to sustainability
- Promote a more circular approach to the economy and to supply chains
- Understand the technological processes involved in the manufacture of different materials and their impact at each stage of the life cycle, as well as their recycling conditions
Target skills
- Knowledge and understanding of mathematics, other basic sciences and engineering disciplines, and understanding of applicable materials, equipment, tools, technologies and technical processes essential to their specialization, at a level sufficient to achieve other learning outcomes.
- Ability to design and develop products, processes and systems within their field of study, respecting imposed constraints, selecting and applying appropriate design methodologies and taking into account non-technical aspects (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyses in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to consult and apply standards, codes of practice and safety regulations in their field of study.
- Ability to gather and interpret relevant data and understand the complexity of their field of study, in order to inform decisions requiring reflection on important social and ethical issues.
- Ability to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments and to engage in lifelong learning.
- Objectives and implementation
- Circular Economy in business Project
- CSR and ISO 26000 standard
- Workshop "Cordées de la Réussite"
Learning objectives
- How to carry out a CSR diagnostic within a company
- How to carry out a circular economy diagnostic within a company
- Understand and implement the pillars of CSR
- Draw up an operational action plan in line with the company's strategy
- Raise awareness of sustainable development among various players
Target skills
- Ability to analyze technical products, processes and systems; ability to select and apply appropriate existing analytical, computational and experimental methods; ability to recognize the importance of non-technical constraints (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to design and develop products, processes and systems within their field of study, respecting imposed constraints, selecting and applying appropriate design methodologies and taking into account non-technical aspects (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to design and conduct experimental studies, interpret data and draw conclusions in their field of study.
- Ability to identify non-technical aspects (human, societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial) of engineering practice.
- Awareness of economic, organizational and management issues (project management, risk and change management, personnel management, etc.) in industrial and corporate environments.
- Ability to gather and interpret relevant data and understand the complexity of their field of study, in order to inform decisions requiring reflection on important social and ethical issues.
- Waste : Understand and apply the regulations
- Installation classified for the protection of the environment
- Chemical risk
- Biomass recovery
Learning objectives
- Learn more about the regulatory aspects of waste treatment
- Applying waste regulations in the workplace
- Characterize a waste source
- Understand the rules for storing and transporting hazardous waste
- Learn about the different types of risk
- Learn how to decipher labels
- Learn how to assess risks
- Learn what measures to take in the event of an incident
- Learn how to use chemical products
- Establish the relationship between identifying the hazard associated with a product and the risks associated with its use
- Understand the definition of an ICPE
- Be familiar with the general regulatory context
- Be familiar with the different classification systems
- Know how to use the ICPE nomenclature
- Understand and know how an ICPE is operated
- Be familiar with the different ways of recovering biomass
- Choose the most appropriate biomass recovery method based on the characteristics of the biomass source
- Understand the concepts of methanization to better manage an individual or collective methanization project
Target skills
- Knowledge and understanding of mathematics, other basic sciences and engineering disciplines, and understanding of applicable materials, equipment, tools, technologies and technical processes essential to their specialization, at a level sufficient to achieve other learning outcomes.
- Ability to analyze technical products, processes and systems; ability to select and apply appropriate existing analytical, computational and experimental methods; ability to recognize the importance of non-technical constraints (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyses in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to design and conduct experimental studies, interpret data and draw conclusions in their field of study.
- Ability to identify, formulate and solve complex problems, and to manage technical or professional activities or projects in their field of study.
- Ability to consult and apply standards, codes of practice and safety regulations in their field of study.
- Ability to gather and interpret relevant data and understand the complexity of their field of study, in order to inform decisions requiring reflection on important social and ethical issues.
- Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions effectively with the engineering community and society at large.
- Ability to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments and to engage in lifelong learning.
- Environmental management : ISO 14001 standard
- Diagnosis of polluted sites and soils
- Other norms
Learning objectives
- Understand the interest for a structure to implement an Environmental Management System
- Know the stages of setting up an Environmental
- Management System
- Discover and apply ISO 14 001
- Discover and apply ISO 20 121
- Discover and apply ISO 50 001
- Identify potential sources of exposure
- Define a sampling plan
- Know how to use a diagnosis of polluted sites and soils and act accordingly
Target skills
- Ability to analyze technical products, processes and systems; ability to select and apply appropriate existing analytical, computational and experimental methods; ability to recognize the importance of non-technical constraints (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyses in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to identify non-technical aspects (human, societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial) of engineering practice.
- Awareness of economic, organizational and management issues (project management, risk and change management, personnel management, etc.) in industrial and corporate environments.
- Ability to consult and apply standards, codes of practice and safety regulations in their field of study.
- Ability to gather and interpret relevant data and understand the complexity of their field of study, in order to inform decisions requiring reflection on important social and ethical issues.
- Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions effectively with the engineering community and society at large.
- Ecological diagnosis : preparing an impact study
- Ecological engineering : a global approach
- Environmental law
- Environmental diagnosis in business
- Management of an Environmental Authorization
Application File
Learning objectives
- Understanding the regulatory context of projects
- Assessing the ecological impact of projects
- Carrying out the environmental diagnosis of a company
Target skills
- Knowledge and understanding of mathematics, other basic sciences and engineering disciplines, and understanding of applicable materials, equipment, tools, technologies and technical processes essential to their specialization, at a level sufficient to achieve other learning outcomes.
- Ability to design and develop products, processes and systems within their field of study, respecting imposed constraints, selecting and applying appropriate design methodologies and taking into account non-technical aspects (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyses in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to design and conduct experimental studies, interpret data and draw conclusions in their field of study.
- Ability to identify, formulate and solve complex problems, and to manage technical or professional activities or projects in their field of study.
- Ability to identify non-technical aspects (human, societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial) of engineering practice.
- Awareness of economic, organizational and management issues (project management, risk and change management, personnel management, etc.) in industrial and corporate environments.
- Ability to consult and apply standards, codes of practice and safety regulations in their field of study.
- Ability to gather and interpret relevant data and understand the complexity of their field of study, in order to inform decisions requiring reflection on important social and ethical issues.
- Apprenticeship booklet
- Bibliographic synthesis : the sector issues
- Career center
Learning objectives
- Describe the technical and scientific knowledge and skills acquired during periods spent in companies and/or on courses
- Describe the knowledge and behaviour useful in the workplace
- Describe the economic, social and human skills acquired during periods spent in companies and/or on courses
- Self-assess the knowledge, behaviour and experience acquired on the job
- Report on experience
- Identify a variety of reliable documents
- Construct a structured written summary
- List references in accordance with bibliographic standards
- Become aware of the importance and practicality of bibliographical work as part of a project or study
Target skills
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyses in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Awareness of economic, organizational and management issues (project management, risk and change management, personnel management, etc.) in industrial and corporate environments.
- Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions effectively with the engineering community and society at large.
- Ability to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments and to engage in lifelong learning.
Learning objectives
- Communicate orally and in writing in English and Spanish/German :
- Introduce yourself and others in informal social situations
- Giving your opinion and asking others for theirs
- Express and justify interests
- Read and understand the main points of advertisements and newspaper articles on familiar everyday topics
- Listen to and understand messages
- Talk to a partner to plan or organize a mission or event
- Write a private e-mail using the usual forms
Target skills
- Ability to analyze technical products, processes and systems; ability to select and apply appropriate existing analytical, computational and experimental methods; ability to recognize the importance of non-technical constraints (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyses in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to work effectively in a national and international context, as an individual and as part of a team, and to collaborate effectively with engineers and non-engineers; ability to manage complex technical or professional activities or projects in their field of study, taking responsibility for their decisions.
- Ability to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments and to engage in lifelong learning.
Semester 4
- Hydraulics in water treatment
- Balance sheet and carbon footprint
- Waste business
Learning objectives
- Acquire a general and scientific knowledge applied to each topic in each module
- Understand the general principles of hydraulics
- Understand flows and head losses
- Understand how hydraulics works and the main equipment in a drinking water network : speed, pressure, reservoir, downstream/upstream stabilizer, pump, etc.
- Define flow regimes: laminar, turbulent, etc.
- Calculate linear and singular head losses in a network, know how to use the Colebrook chart
- Understand the differences in waste management costs: collection and treatment
- Break down waste management costs and obtain an order of magnitude for each cost item
- Calculate a waste management cost and compare it with national costs
- Distinguish and compare the different environmental assessment tools
- Develop a corporate environmental assessment approach
Target skills
- Knowledge and understanding of mathematics, other basic sciences and engineering disciplines, and understanding of applicable materials, equipment, tools, technologies and technical processes essential to their specialization, at a level sufficient to achieve other learning outcomes.
- Ability to analyze technical products, processes and systems; ability to select and apply appropriate existing analytical, computational and experimental methods; ability to recognize the importance of non-technical constraints (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to design and conduct experimental studies, interpret data and draw conclusions in their field of study.
- Ability to identify, formulate and solve complex problems, and to manage technical or professional activities or projects in their field of study.
- Ability to identify non-technical aspects (human, societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial) of engineering practice.
- Awareness of economic, organizational and management issues (project management, risk and change management, personnel management, etc.) in industrial and corporate environments.
- Ability to gather and interpret relevant data and understand the complexity of their field of study, in order to inform decisions requiring reflection on important social and ethical issues.
- Accident investigation and analysis
- Workplace first-aid representatives
- ISO : conducting an audit
- Workplace first-aid representatives
Learning objectives
- Animate and monitor a management system
- Prepare and conduct an audit
- To realize a tree of causes
- To set up the single document
- Promote security within your organization
- Distinguish and compare different environmental assessment tools
- Develop an environmental assessment approach in companies
- Master the standardization process of an ISO repository
- Perform first aid gestures
- Communicate safety basics to colleagues
Target skills
- Ability to design and develop products, processes and systems within their field of study, respecting imposed constraints, selecting and applying appropriate design methodologies and taking into account non-technical aspects (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyses in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to identify, formulate and solve complex problems, and to manage technical or professional activities or projects in their field of study.
- Ability to identify non-technical aspects (human, societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial) of engineering practice.
- Awareness of economic, organizational and management issues (project management, risk and change management, personnel management, etc.) in industrial and corporate environments.
- Ability to consult and apply standards, codes of practice and safety regulations in their field of study.
- Ability to gather and interpret relevant data and understand the complexity of their field of study, in order to inform decisions requiring reflection on important social and ethical issues.
- Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions effectively with the engineering community and society at large.
- Ability to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments and to engage in lifelong learning.
- Macroeconomics
- Business management
- Business dashboards
Learning objectives
- Define the main concepts of macroeconomics
- Master specific vocabulary
- Understanding public policy
- Acquire knowledge and practical experience of management information systems
- Be able to produce, analyze, control and interpret management data
Target skills
- Ability to analyze technical products, processes and systems; ability to select and apply appropriate existing analytical, computational and experimental methods; ability to recognize the importance of non-technical constraints (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyzes in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to identify non-technical aspects (human, societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial) of engineering practice.
- Awareness of economic, organizational and management issues (project management, risk and change management, personnel management, etc.) in industrial and corporate environments.
- Ability to gather and interpret relevant data and understand the complexity of their field of study, in order to inform decisions requiring reflection on important social and ethical issues.
- Ability to work effectively in a national and international context, as an individual and as part of a team, and to collaborate effectively with engineers and non-engineers; ability to manage complex technical or professional activities or projects in their field of study, taking responsibility for their decisions.
- Ability to undertake and innovate, within the framework of personal projects or through initiative and involvement within the company in entrepreneurial projects.
- Career centre
- Apprenticeship Booklet
- Work period
- Thematic project: corporate innovation
- Feedback: sharing to learn
- Training in the climate fresk
Learning objectives
- Understanding innovation needs within companies
- Identify the players involved in developing a project
- Present the stages involved in building a project: from idea to implementation
- Promote the innovation during its presentation
- Share your own experience within your company and discover the diversity of the missions of Bachelor apprentices
- Running the Climate Fresco for future 1st-year students
- Evaluate the acquisition of these skills and knowledge at the end of the 1st year of the apprenticeship
Target skills
- Ability to identify non-technical aspects (human, societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial) of engineering practice.
- Awareness of economic, organizational and management issues (project management, risk and change management, personnel management, etc.) in industrial and corporate environments.
- Ability to gather and interpret relevant data and understand the complexity of their field of study, in order to inform decisions requiring reflection on important social and ethical issues.
- Ability to work effectively in a national and international context, as an individual and as part of a team, and to collaborate effectively with engineers and non-engineers; ability to manage complex technical or professional activities or projects in their field of study, taking responsibility for their decisions.
- Ability to undertake and innovate, within the framework of personal projects or through initiative and involvement within the company in entrepreneurial projects.
- Ability to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments and to engage in lifelong learning.
Learning objectives
- Communicate orally and in writing in English and Spanish/German :
- Introduce yourself and others in informal social situations
- Giving your opinion and asking others for theirs
Express and justify interests - Read and understand the main points of advertisements and newspaper articles on familiar everyday topics
- Listen to and understand messages
- Talk to a partner to plan or organize a mission or event
- Write a private e-mail using the usual forms
Target skills
- Ability to analyze technical products, processes and systems; ability to select and apply appropriate existing analytical, computational and experimental methods; ability to recognize the importance of non-technical constraints (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyses in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to work effectively in a national and international context, as an individual and as part of a team, and to collaborate effectively with engineers and non-engineers; ability to manage complex technical or professional activities or projects in their field of study, taking responsibility for their decisions.
- Ability to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments and to engage in lifelong learning.
- Digital communication
- Written communication
- French language : preparing for Voltaire
- Workshop - Cordées de la Réussite
Learning objectives
- Understanding social networks and their specific features
- Knowing how to use social networks in a way that is appropriate for the target audience
- Being able to define and adapt your message to suit the chosen medium
- Passing the Voltaire test and obtaining the certificate
- Raising students' awareness of SD and its objectives
- Knowing how to raise awareness and run events
Target skills
- Ability to identify non-technical aspects (human, societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial) of engineering practice.
- Awareness of economic, organizational and management issues (project management, risk and change management, personnel management, etc.) in industrial and corporate environments.
- Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions effectively with the engineering community and society at large.
- Ability to work effectively in a national and international context, as an individual and as part of a team, and to collaborate effectively with engineers and non-engineers; ability to manage complex technical or professional activities or projects in their field of study, taking responsibility for their decisions.
Semester 5
Learning objectives
- Learn about nuclear fission and fusion
- Identify the main environmental challenges
- Discover safety requirements and the basics of radiation protection
- Visualize the life cycle, from mining to storage
- Understand expectations and prospects in the current context
- Debate and consolidate your own opinion on the issues at stake
Learning objectives
- Acquire basic knowledge of botany
- Master the techniques and tools needed to identify a species
- Produce a herbarium
- Understand the transfer of contaminants in living organisms
- Understand the effects of contaminants on living organisms
- Carry out practical work to measure the ecotoxicity of water on a polluted site or soil
- Acquire basic knowledge of fauna: insects, butterflies, etc.
- Identify species and understand the impact of pollution
- Diagnose polluted sites and soils
- Geographic Information Systems
- Bibliographic studies
Learning objectives
- To know how to use GIS software (QGIS) on simple case studies and to know how to conduct a rigorous bibliographic study
- GIS :
- Identify and retrieve geographic information (geographic data) of vector and raster type
- Open and process vector and raster data using GIS software (QGIS)
- Produce new data from the processing of other geographic data
- Produce maps to help make decisions on a given environmental issue
- Identify relevant scientific articles on a given subject
- Conduct a synthesis of scientific articles identified on a given subject
- List bibliographic references according to a previously defined standard
Target skills
- Ability to analyze technical products, processes and systems; ability to select and apply appropriate existing analytical, computational and experimental methods; ability to recognize the importance of non-technical constraints (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to design and develop products, processes and systems within their field of study, respecting imposed constraints, selecting and applying appropriate design methodologies and taking into account non-technical aspects (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyzes in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Awareness of economic, organizational and management issues (project management, risk and change management, personnel management, etc.) in industrial and corporate environments.
- Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions effectively with the engineering community and society at large.
- Sustainable Development, Circular Economy and CSR
- Animate the Climate Fresk
- Implementation of an ISO 26000 approach
- CSR in business : proof by example
- Sustainable Development workshop
Learning objectives
- Be able of analyzing and critically evaluating a CSR approach that you may have initiated or contributed to.
- Be able to assess the relevance of indicators.
- Be able to redirect an approach or strategy on the basis of initial assessments
- Know how to communicate about a process.
- Know how to contextualize a CSR approach within a region and in relation to a sector of activity.
- Organizing the Climate Fresco.
- Define and understand the SSE.
- Putting the circular economy into action with SSE players.
- Water saving and Re-use
- Waste management and treatment: Economic aspects
- Reporting on water : from Lab to Field
- Water treatment units
Learning objectives
- Know good practices in corporate water management
- Implement REuse actions
- Know how to present them, analyze them and consider their applicability for your organization
- Understanding waste processing sectors
- Have economic elements on processing costs depending on the different sectors
- ISO 14001 in business
- ISO 45001 in business
- ISO 9001 in business
- Energy management
- Defence of business projects
Learning objectives
- Be able to implement various ISO 9 001, ISO 14 001, ISO 45 001, ISO 50 001
- Make the link between actions undertaken and regulatory or normative objectives
- Propose awareness actions within the framework of ISO 50 001
Target skills
- Knowledge and understanding of mathematics, other basic sciences and engineering disciplines, and understanding of applicable materials, equipment, tools, technologies and technical processes essential to their specialization, at a level sufficient to achieve other learning outcomes.
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyses in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to identify non-technical aspects (human, societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial) of engineering practice.
- Awareness of economic, organizational and management issues (project management, risk and change management, personnel management, etc.) in industrial and corporate environments
- Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions effectively with the engineering community and society at large.
- Impact studies
- LCA : implementation in companies
- Biodiversity, Air, Soil
- Energy issues
Learning objectives
- Acquire the methodology for studying the impact of the main human activities on biodiversity.
- Understand the methodology, resources and issues involved in a field impact study.
- Understand what an LCA is and its implications.
- Implement an LCA on a given product.
- Analyze an eco-design process.
- Project management
- Environmental law
- Labour law
- Entrepreneurship
- Business ethics
Learning objectives
- Understanding the fundamentals of project management : sequencing stages, coordination and leadership
- Structuring a project, identifying risks and opportunities and estimating the budget
- Personalized support and follow-up
- Career center : What to do after the Bachelor ?,
- Work Study monitoring
Learning objectives
- Plan the various stages of a project with a client/company.
- Write an end-of-project report.
- Carry out the research required for a project.
- Take account of advice and instructions when monitoring a project.
Learning objectives
- Communicate orally and in writing in English and Spanish/German
- Introduce yourself and others in social and professional situations
- Read and understand the main points of advertisements and newspaper articles
- Listen to and understand messages
- Talk to a partner to plan or organize a mission or event
- Write a professional e-mail using the usual forms
Target skills
- Ability to analyze technical products, processes and systems; ability to select and apply appropriate existing analytical, computational and experimental methods; ability to recognize the importance of non-technical constraints (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial).
- Ability to conduct bibliographical research, to consult and critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to establish a state of the art, to carry out simulations and analyzes in order to deepen studies and research on technical subjects in their field of specialization.
- Ability to work effectively in a national and international context, as an individual and as part of a team, and to collaborate effectively with engineers and non-engineers; ability to manage complex technical or professional activities or projects in their field of study, taking responsibility for their decisions.
- Ability to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments and to engage in lifelong learning.
Semester 6
- Work placement
Career opportunities
Graduates of the Environment and Sustainable Development Bachelor's degree can be integrated into any type of structure with environmental impact, quality or safety management processes.
Some functions...
- QHSE coordinator,
- CSR coordinator,
- QHSE Manager (SME),
- CSR Manager,
- QHSE consultant,
- Waste treatment plant operator,
- Water treatment plant operator,
- Environment / Circular economy coordinator,
- Environmental project manager,
- Sorting awareness officer
Types of company
- Design offices and consulting firms whose activities are linked to the implementation and monitoring of Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) management systems, with a particular focus on the environment and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
- Eco-industrial companies: companies specializing in environmental services, particularly in the water treatment and waste management sectors.
- Industrial companies in all sectors involved in QHSE management processes.
- Public bodies or associations responsible for implementing environmental policy or promoting sustainable development and related practices.
- Local authorities in technical or administrative departments dedicated to environmental management.