L'Usine Nouvelle has published its 2024 ranking of French engineering schools.
As for the 2023 ranking, Usine Nouvelle uses public data from the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur (CTI) and the Conférence des Directeurs des Ecoles françaises d'ingénieurs (CDEFI), which will be analyzed according to four main categories: international, proximity to companies, professional integration and research.
The methodology has changed little from previous years.
Graduates as business creators
One of the new features of the 2024 ranking is that the number of graduates who have set up their own business in the last 3 years has replaced the number of business creators, thus mitigating the effect of the school's size. On this criterion, UniLaSalle is well ahead of engineering schools in the same fields.
This result is a reminder that UniLaSalle is a leader in entrepreneurship and maintains excellent relations with companies, as shown by its results in rankings over the past few years (for example, Palmarès l'Usine nouvelle 2023 and Classement de l'Etudiant 2023: UniLaSalle joins group A of engineering schools).

Gender equality among graduates
The second change is to take into account the percentage of women graduates instead of the percentage of women in the School's total workforce. With a rate close to balance (50.83%), UniLaSalle is one of the best performers. Considered by Usine Nouvelle as a criterion of "proximity to companies", we feel that this indicator would be better placed in a category linked to social responsibility.
Unlike L'Etudiant's ranking, Usine Nouvelle's has not yet included sustainable development indicators in its rankings, despite the fact that new generations are calling for exemplary behavior on the part of higher education establishments.
In the "Environment" category, UniLaSalle came 4th.
Overall, UniLaSalle came 96th in this ranking.